q. does this work against moving targets or is that the slam-er version
The entire 84E series of missiles have IR guidance, at least for terminal.
Both work against moving targets, as both have IR terminal seekers.
The -84E uses the same seeker as the IIR- AGM-65’s, so performance should be broadly similar. Though the Harpoon airframe has significantly lower maneuvering capability.
As it may have additional electronics that permit correlation tracks, that were added with the AGM-65F / -65G, which extends lock on range against ships and large facilities
I wouldn’t dismiss the Harpoon’s maneuvering capability, as it pulls pretty hard doing a lofting pattern before impact on the anti ship models.
I wouldn’t be so sure, because during a pop-up missile makes quite sharp maneuvers. And anyway, it will better than -65, cuz speed.
Yes, for close range it will bad, because long start time and other things, but anyway…
So, 5G… Idk, in AGM meaning (except Kh-38) it is… normal?
I think main issue for AGM-84 it is very strict release speed.
With F/A-18 wouldnt matter mostly, its slow by itself
To be fair, SLAM started out as an anti-ship missile so I would say they are counterparts
Maybe SLAM-ER considering range on the Kh-59
With how Gaijin can restrict radar locks to ground targets for missiles, but not IR locks.
Either way I expect Kh-59 to be as useful against ground targets as Kormoran is, and AGM-84E to be an adequate addition once Gaijin figures it out and adds it.
Tho I suspect we may not get new air to ground weaponry until they’re done with the SPAA additions; more of a hunch than anything based on patterns.
The only SPAA I know for certain is Type 81 will get a major buff to its visibility of aircraft.
AGM-84 SLAM and AGM-84H are using IR AGM-65 seeker
Slam can be limited to current weapon capabilities.
Honestly I don’t think SLAM will be particularly oppressive. It’s a very slow missile from what I’ve heard, so easier to intercept. It’s also fairly large too iirc, if that affects how close SPAA can lock onto it
Yes. Which for now all IR AGMs are using “that seeker”, probably Gaijin waiting for their new game engine to be ready to implement that’ll end the 20km limit everyone has to cope with.
Well well well, guess they figured out the one they added to the files was anti ship.
I guess it is only TV, but that raises another question. Why even add this if man-in-loop is never going to be added? TV only would require it to be quite close before tracking a tank? Unless they really do intend on adding the first man-in-loop weapon with the DL AGM-62?

Also, China appears to be getting their own Kh-38 equivalent this update.
Probably so that it can be used as A2G missile. A radar seekerhead probably wouldn’t allow for it, similarly to the Kormoran. And MMW radars for A2G munitions are also not getting modelled either, as seen with the Brimstone.
Else, maybe we will see MITL for that supposed SEAD mode datamines are hinting at. But I doubt it, it’s not like this is the first MITL weapon to be added to the game either, plenty of them have been added before without that function.
Yes, but the Kh-38MT will just be far more reliable as it’s IR seeker allows it to track targets without getting closer. TV weapons suffer from not actually locking a tank until it gets closer, instead just seeking whatever was in the middle of the screen. The only reason this missile would be preferable to the Kh-38MT is if it had man-in-loop DL.
More AGM-65.
True, it won’t replace the Kh-38. Pretty much nothing will anyway, even if the Kh-59 was the IIR variant. But if you care about the maximum range, for instance AI targets or if you are feeling particularly silly in ground RB, by firing at extreme ranges, tracking ranges will probably not matter too much to you anyway. I suppose it also has a larger warhead (HEAT-frag according to wiki), which is not really needed but it’s there.
Probably it will see some use in the possible SEAD mode if that ever appears.