Expanding The F/A-18C Armaments

So why not just add the JDAM-ER which is basically the same thing but actually in service with the USAF?

i thought those were only used by australia and ukraine or something like that

Yep, you’re right I just looked into it, whoops.

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another point to the strike eagle

i thought same as you too, before looking into JDAM-ER more

GBU-53 and JSOW should have glide bomb troubles completely covered though

To be honest, fair. I think the JSOW looks cool but the juice isn’t worth the squeeze for putting it on F-15E ingame.

wdym? F-15E is known to be capable of carrying them

GBU-53 will be terrifying. Whole different beast than JSOW, when you can carry 20 of em. I wonder how long it’ll be and if we’ll get the cool less capable stuff first or if they’ll jump the shark again

Thank you.

doesnt JSOW-B have 24 IIR guided submunitions each?

They don’t use the 1000lb variant (also a wing kit for the 1000lb class Mk.80 series compatible warheads doesn’t exist only for the 500 & 2000lb options).

Also as we don’t know what the specific configuration the Quickstrike-ER Air Launched Mine (GBU-62(V)1/B & -64(V)1/B) actually takes. As far as is currently known the designation of the regular configuration of the JDAM-ER is unknown, though was provided to Ukraine via Presidential Drawdown, so does theoretically exist in inventory as a variant.

Terrifying, and relies on a mechanic hitherto unseen and one of the Big Ones they may never implement. Clusters and submunitions in general are on the level of Stealth or EW etc. I guess the closest ingame is starstreak? any better examples of submunitions? APFSDS?

The game engine can simulate it, but it may be a lag generator, and also it’s just a terrifying capability I don’t currently see them ever putting in GRB.

wouldnt it just be

  1. have JSOW-B glide to GPS point
  2. spawn in a bunch of the submunitions from the JSOW-B hitbox
  3. add some effects and maybe even pretty animations

Yes, but self targeting submunitions. It’s like telling 24 brimstones to hit a 10 digit grid and kill everything within. It’d be like adding HIMARS/M270 with ATACMS

Isn’t there some sort of flechette rockets on one of the SEPCAT-Jaguars?

Yes, it’s available on the French Jaguars and the Super Entard


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would be very silly funny.

if there is proof F-15E could use the JSOW double racks, would be even better.

imagine 4x JSOW B, 20x GBU-53, 4x AMRAAM loadout

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THERE’S A HOLE IN YOUR LEFT SPAWN (50% of the enemy team is gone)

anywho, GN fellas. 'luv hornet, 'ate unfinished wt planes, simple as

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I’ve got a source claiming that the F-14B(U) & -14D were JSOW compatible. But no proof that it went beyond software integration, which I don’t think it did.

The final step included incorporation of a new senes of advanced weapons such as Joint
Standoff Weapon (JSOW) and Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) Again, the Navy
determined the Grumman proposal to be too expensive as a whole and restructured its F14 upgrade program to include only portions of the program, which they called Block I

In support of air-to-ground attack missions, the F-14D can employ unguided and
guided munitions Unguided weapons include Mk-80 series general-purpose bombs,
cluster munitions, mines, and airbome and Marine flares. Guided weapons include laser-guided bombs (LGB), and recently cleared MIL-STD-I760 interface class weapons,
including GBU-24E/B, JDAM and JSOW.


Well what exactly do you think 15x CBU-105s (each contains ten BLU-108, which each ejects four skeets, so 40 submunitions per clusterbomb; so 600 EFPs per flyout) would do?

As an aside the Skeet’s geometry is similar to that of one TOW-2Bs dual warheads so expected penetration is approximately 95~110mm RHAe (in game uses flat 100mm). It’s also similar to the warhead in the 120mm XM943 STAFF Shell.



AGM-84E SLAM but without the S part

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