what about the B
It really depends on if you could prove a specific configuration exists, after all they denied the GPU-5/A (30mm gunpod)for non-15E’s due to a lack of sufficient evidence.
CBU’s have been mentioned on a few leak lists now (alongside Anti-Radiation Missiles)as being in the works so is definitely something that could apear at any time in the future.
The USAF only tested the A, as they stopped being involved during development of the B and C variants.
according to this (not the best source, i know) the air force canceled their order in 2002 but JSOW-B in LRIP 2001. which means it had to have been tested sucessfully.
and cant anything that can use JSOW-A use the B or C? isnt the only difference the warhead?
maybe JSOW will be different though, after all the whole thing about it is the different variants only change the warhead and some electronics (but not compatibility iirc) right?
the A and B are GPS only, the C is GPS/IR guided. A USAF aircraft shouldn’t get a weapon the USAF never procured. That would be like giving the F-15A AIM-7P’s, a USN only sparrow variant.
fair enough about C. but for A and B, they were joint developed and in production (LRIP for B)
Only if Gaijin really couldn’t find a counterpart for the USAF, to which they don’t really have a direct counterpart in the 1000lb class, but they do have the GBU-62 (500lb JDAM-ER), GBU-15 / AGM-130, AGM-84 H & -K, AGM-142(HAVE NAP), AGM-158(JASSM), AGM-184A (JSM) and others.
werent those only used by B-52?
In that specific configuration, yes. but as the last image shows a light weight variant was trialed as HAVE LIGHT.
nice. i do think the JSOW will come sooner than JASSM, simply because range and JASSM is faster/better guidance. which is why F-16 and F-15 could use it. its also just a pretty cool glide bomb
@ashton replied to the wrong person.
I get that you’ve never used AGM-65s in WT.
I’ve used AGM-65s since 2022, unlike you.
Thanks for admitting that all your posts on this topic are null and void, all for the mistake of replying to someone defending NATO.
I own every US aircraft and 95% of Russian aircraft, I would rather use the Su-34 any day over the F-15E in GRB but hey guess I’m the idiot who knows nothing.
And I have all 10 tech trees completed in air, which you would’ve known if you checked before commenting.
So yeah, keep defending Russian equipment and alienating those of us that defend NATO equipment from blatant misinformation.
Right now ALL AGM IR seekers are identical, all copy-pasted from the AGM-65D, including the KH-38’s seeker. So until that changes, the facts are what they are.
Yes, and the Kh-38’s speed is so obviously, blatantly, clearly, etc. the same speed as the AGM-65 with the same glide ability, so they are literally the same! How could I be so mistaken! I yield!
Let me add /s in this post for you, since you clearly have the mental processing power of a sack of potatoes.
Why do you care if your frag gets “stolen”?
If your target is destroyed before your missile gets there, they’re still gone. It doesn’t matter.
“Missile speed”, AKA kill “stolen” or not, does not matter.
Oh, and nice ad-hominem there that admits everyones’ posts here are correct.
Well said.
Guess what NATO players have to deal with?
Using outdated air defense vehicles like ADATS to slowly shoot down six ultra-fast KH-38 missiles.
And Russia?
Using the Pantsir-S1, which has multi-target engagement capability, to take down four ultra-slow AGM-65 missiles.
Don’t shoot AGMs at SPAA, shoot them at tanks. SPAA can’t win matches, tanks can.
WT needs better SPAA BTW.
It’s not April fools yet. Also I don’t think the guy is “defending Russian equipment” he was stating how they’re literally not equal in many ways. I’m also not sure if you’re here to disrupt the post like I’ve seen in others somehow always in an argument? but I have noticed that you’re the only one in here arguing with someone my guy. no disrespect just saying.