Expanded Italian Air Tree (read the description before!)

Yes, I know.
But I think they would make an interesting addition.

The G.57 didn’t go beyond the drawing board, as far as I know, the studies helped to design the g.59 after the war, tho.

The SM. 96II was a fighter project made only with non-strategic materials and an Italian made Alfa Romeo 1101 28 cylinder engine, at the eve of the armistice the engine was ready for serial production.

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Interesting. Sadly for some non finished planes there’s no pics (like the Ca.183bis).

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CANT Z.515
CANT Z.111
Rank I

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yeah, i uploaded the old one because i lost the other one


Ok i’m just blind.

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no is foldered :D

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My honest reaction:


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Also, I see no C.R.42 DB.

F-16A ADF (2003) it differ from F-16A ADF (2010) ?

Tornado A-200A (1990) no CLDP targeting pod, no GBU-16 Paveway II & GBU-24 Paveway III LGB ?

Why TAV-8B BR lower AV-8B+ ?

TAV-8B has less pylons than the AV-8B+
A-200A no GBUs
F-16 ADF 2003 have the AIM-120A and AIM-120B meanwhile the 2010 one has the AIM120C-5


The MB-339CD is also missing, why Premium MB-339A?

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I believe next major update AV-8B+ (Marina Militare) get AIM-120B AMRAAM at 12.3 BR. but not sure TAV-8B armed AIM-120B like AV-8B+ ?

F-16A Block 15 ADF (2003) like F-16A ADF from Italy tech tree but armed AIM-9L/i ?

So Tornado IDS A-200A (1990) no CLDP pod and limited unguided Air-to-Ground armament

I assume MB-339CD would be 10.3 and in the folder with MB-339K Veltro 2

Yeah - i miss that too - never heard about it since passed to developers

Has anybody info what happened - besides the “considered”?

is foldered with the MB.339K

Event, in the tree there are already 3 variants

Tree Updated!

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My beloved re.2005 one day we will meet and fight in the sky of war thunder 💙

Now we need a ground TT for Italy like this one!!


this is a very good idea!

In case you don’t know, the F.5bis is the F.4