It is what I’m suspecting, yes. I’m somewhat fine with the current live performance of the plane, as I think that it corresponds quite well with what the sources of the other users here say. It’s just that I fear that Gaijin will have nerfed one of the key aspects of the plane without much reason behind it
They’re just hungry for leaks.
I just want my Eurofighters to stop ripping their wings due to over G (skill issue, I know) 😭
At least out 6th gen project is with the French then…
yeahhh thats probably not going anywhere
Because french gave up
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I don’t see how this Is going to change the current issues with France on the project.
Britain doesn’t even have enough pilots man the planes it’s got now lol
recent statements were that we should prioritise the Wingman component and upgrade our current stuff because NGF, if at all, will come veeeeeery late
the wingman stuff can be fully domestic but for the NGF its harder. i dont see NGF happening as you’ll need to convince either Dassault or Airbus to not work on it which… yknow
Fair enough
Armament projects with france were always rather “quirky” because of the french attitude…
For example the Eurofighter project: A project of five nations of which france demanded to have >50% development share including 100% of the engines. After obviously not getting that they sulkily pulled out and build the Rafale on their own.
Same thing currently with the successor for the EF (FCAS). German companies don’t really get the chance to bring their know-how into the project as the contract is very france focused and the german DoD states that currently the FCAS will be more something of a Rafale-Plus, missing the target of developing a sixth-generation fighter while using german money.
I really don’t see this FCAS project going anywhere currently and it would be better for germany to pull out at this state as it should be rather obvious that the new plane will not meet their demands. France is really not a good partner for multi-national armament projects in my opinion (as can be seen in the current Leopard successor project too).
France had precise requirements that also did not fit the other countries. Launching nukes and taking off from an aircraft carrier
There was a consensus that France would have more involvement in the FCAS, while Germany would lead the drone part of the project as well as get the leading role in the future tank project. From the French side it looks more like Germany is trying to get the lead in all 3 projects, hence the current pushback. France has been advocating for a complete European defense industry, while Germany, and German manufacturers have been advocating for a German centric OTAN industry. Those are clearly different points of views that will probably lead to the death of Franco German project, as usual.
There’s always the « blame » on France for those kind of projects, but it’s really the duo. When France does stuff with other countries, it generally goes well (with Britain in the development of multiplie vehicles like the Jaguar jet, CTA40 carrier… or Italy with lot of naval vehicles). Same goes for Germany. But barely anything gets done when it’s France AND Germany.
Also, I wouldn’t dare saying French leadership would bring to a plane that misses the 6th gen target. In all intent and purposes, France managed with the rafale to do a more technologically advanced aircraft than the typhoon built by multiple other European countries. It seems to me that the German companies are just trying to lobby their way into taking a leading role or having Germany do it without France.
While more beneficial for those companies, as they would have a larger share of the pie, it would be less beneficial for the European defense and industrie in general
Pff its awful to notch at close range at high speed with euro now since it cant pull like it should according to wt stats but you guys decided like you did before with f16 in release limiting planes as if wt is not a bit realistic ace combat with this 16v16 death match and thought this time we are gonna be as realistic as possible… even bus phantom with clean loadout and low fuel can pull 14g at high speed but euro is limited to 12g nice logic with no hypocrisy
Um, we have what looks like… a buff here?
Looks like a little less resistance with a little more thrust
At 11km alt it now reaches mach 2.31 2464 km/h, but it takes insanely long to get to that speed, like you need to burn 30 minutes of fuel long.
I think the acceleration got nerfed using a report from a while ago that from the wording presented testing from a craft using the EJ200, the actual documents were bug report people eyes only.
I really do wonder what that document says.
My max was somewhere around 2200-2250. Then I got tired of trying to speed up. Apparently I was wrong in considering that set of changes a buff.
Here’s what I thought about (not least due to the squabble in the Rafale thread). What ΔV should ASRAAM have?
The “longest” IR missiles at the moment
R-27ET - 1130 m/s
MICA IR - 1100 m/s (based on MICA EM)
Python 4 - 1120 m/s
It’s also worth remembering that all these missiles have VERY aggressive aerodynamics, which means a very respectable drag.
The only information I can honestly remember is that ASRAAM has 60-70% more fuel than AIM-9 (either Flame or Gunjob said this). I’ll act as primitively as possible and assume that the more fuel, the longer the acceleration and the greater the ΔV. I took AIM-9M and its 820 m/s as a starting point. Then ASRAAM has ΔV in the region of 1300-1400. With minimal resistance.
Actually, the question is - in your opinion, how far am I from the truth?