allegedly the mach 2 figure is due to the PIRATE reducing the max allowable speed but idk how true that is
Well, even then it would not effect the German EF since it has no PIRATE
Haha, Classic Gaijin moment
I thought the mach 2 everyone yaps about was the EAP prototype top speed, and that had tornado engines.
Eurofighter say mach 2.0
RAF limit the operational top speed to 1.8
Italy and Germany say something different
So if they fixed the top speed, it should reach M2.47 in-game, meaning its underperforming by M0.21 roughly, interesting.
not completly sure what this means but my guess is that the EF gets NCTR
yep, its NCTR
also, the MAW gets some buffs for small (targets)
I want to nerd out here for a second, I don’t believe this to be true.
Previously the RCS and range were 1.0 RCS at a range of 20,000 meters.
Now the RCS and range is 0.045 RCS at a range of 9,200 meters.
But if you do some calculation to figure out the difference and find out if it’s a buff or nerf, you use a certain equation and luckily an already familiar one can be used:
(Plane’s RCS)^.25*(Radar range)/(Radar RCS)^.25*
Plug in Plane’s RCS as 0.045, and then radar range and radar RCS as 20,000/1.0 respectively.
The answer comes out to 9,200m which is what you see here. What they likely did is simplified it down to the RCS of a missile being at 0.045m, and being detected at 9,200m.
i think it is a buff tho
on the devserver it only managed to detect missiles out to 5.5km for me
Something else interesting is that the Eurofighter’s RCS reduction report stated the Eurofighter should have an RCS of less than 1m^2 while carrying 6 missiles.
Say they give the Eurofighter an RCS of 0.5m^2. It could carry 6 missiles with an RCS of 0.045 each, which comes out to be about 0.27, add that to the Eurofighter’s 0.5m^2 and then the Eurofighter still has an RCS of less than 1 with 6 missiles.
From the pure raw numbers only, it is the same. Its possible maybe that the change makes it more consistent in picking up missiles further away at around 9km or so, I don’t know.
thats brobably because it dosent take the pylons into account
Of course it did, the report says the Eurofighter was carrying the missiles and that must include the pylons.
i dont mean the bug report i mean gaijin
i mean they also dont do proper drag for pylons
Its a huge buff in consistency rather than range, threats are picked up much quicker and way more consistently.
Have you tested at what ranges it picks up missiles now and how reliably? I was pretty excited to get the time to impact for missiles on the display (should also show on HMD, tho im not sure if thats coming with this update?) but heard the MAWS was pretty horrifically bad according to dev server testing, and even 9.5km is not exactly a ton of warning for a missile travelling at over M2.0.
Granted, the radar and other VR exclusive bugs are likely going to keep me away from the EFT again this update…
Only against the test drive ADATS, which it detected at all possible launch ranges. Before it was pretty hit or miss.
Also at all angles? Or only MAW angles?
I think the range change is just to be able to better read it, from testing me and another guy did with the 20km range it still detected at just under 10km, the new range translates to a little over 20km for 1rcs, which it was before too.
Only problem was that if doing turns the maw couldn’t tell the missile was going for you, i’m not sure this got fixed. This isn’t because the maws cant see the missile in a turn, it’s because suddenly the missile isn’t going straight for you and is filtered out.