Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Yeah that’s what we need to focus our effort on.


Multiple nations having OP things make it less OP.

More the point that no smaller nation can have technology before a larger one.

We wont have this capability until the US has an AIM 9X

Blue rings are 20nmi each (37km), its one of the great annoyances of trying to use the DASS display on WT maps, which even at their largest are so small (126x126km) that the DASS display literally covers more than half the map, making it hard to accurately judge how near a threat is.

Arguably speaking, there’s nothing that would explicitly prevent the MAWS from detecting aircrafts either considering it can detect, categorize, and track multiple missiles simultaneously.

It would likely have to willingly be avoiding detecting aircrafts, which is a possibility, but a rather dubious one seeing as it wouldn’t be very good at being a MAWS if it was actively avoiding looking at what might be firing missiles…

It would not surprise me one bit for the MAWS to be pulling double duty as an alternate sensor as well. We know all other sensors on the EFT can be used for target tracking, itd be odd for the radar MAWS out of all of them to not be able to do so. That being said, that’s not an argument that would fly with gaijin either.

The point still stands that there is no credible evidence anywhere that it is used to detect / track aircraft. If it were possible you would expect to have seen somewhere reliable mention it by now.

The MAWS antenna can probably physically detect an aircraft but that doesn’t mean the system is capable of tracking that aircraft and reporting it’s location to the aircraft’s systems. It probably focuses on its job of determining what contacts are approaching missiles and reporting only those.

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@WereCat888 @kensai16 and everyone else. In order to have the best chance of reporting the MAWS (I’ve not been able to test it myself yet, but it sounds like it needs it), I need your help to collect as many videos / examples as possible falling into three distinct categories:

  • The MAWS not detecting a missile that poses a threat
  • The MAWS detecting something that poses no threat (flares, a random missile flying away from you, etc.)
  • The MAWS detecting a threatening missile but at uselessly short range (i.e. a range where it is impractical to respond to the missile effectively)

I currenty don’t have the Dev Server installed sadly, so I can’t check it myself until live server as my free time is limited too currently.

Do you have something on the azimuth and elevation opening angle of the antennas of the MAW? I couldn’t find anything about it (neither it being ±45° nor ±60° in elevation, but it has to be ±60° in azimuth for the stated 360° coverage). Funnily enough, the “eurodass” website gives a security warning because of an expired certificate.

Does anyone know if there will be 2 devservers or if they just plan to jump to live again?

One long dev with updates is their preference now, rather than smaller ones for each version of the dev

That’s just a welcome to WT moment, where minor nations are often neglected, with exception of Sweden.

Also, demanding one nation to pull ahead and take a generational leap isn’t really good for balance.


bit more of the radar completely failing to track straight flying targets…
It also seems to be doing some weird thing where it teleports off target for a fraction of a second, and then snaps back on (or just loses the target entirely)

Also tested the MAW against the test drive ADATS to mixed results. of 5 launches:
3 detected normally on or 1-2 seconds after launch
1 was detected at 2-3km(??)
1 was not detected whatsoever.

Make sure to submit a report so the Devs know it still needs fixing.

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Community Bug Reporting System I put a quick one in yesterday, don’t really have the resources to properly record my screen rn and I have no clue why it drifts so this is unfortunately the most I can get

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Cool. If everyone can upload client logs to that it will be useful.

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I tested it against the adats in test flight and to me it seems inconsistent only when going perpendicular, it may filter the enemy missile out as maybe it doesn’t think it’s going for the ef

relatively minor nitpick but I just realised the gun doesn’t actually align with the gunport.

Yeah, i actually reported that, no response, it’s probably too small of an issue

Reporting and then Gaijin working on such non-issues is the reason why important updates don’t come out nearly as soon as they should.

gaijin never even looked at it