Pretty sure the brits were given the Mk18 instead of the GBU-48, which is worse. Its weird they didnt stick with their “every EFT is getting the same weapons” stance on that little aspect tho.
may or may not get crosseye
Yeah, I would take the GBU-48s over them
I’m 99% sure that on the dev server both the Typhoon FGR.4 had the EGBU MK 13.
The Tonka GR.4 definitely had it. It’d be nice if they were re-added back instead of a bog standard Mk 18 with the model of a GBU-12. Though since it’s a Mk 18 and it has different stats to the Mk 13 means they did do something other than C&P and completely failed. Strange.
did anybody else had issues with missiles not loading in and as a result not giving RWR warnings
i have the issue that no missiles are rendered not even my own which can makes it quite confusing when launching missiles
i observed it happening with all kinds of missiles Fox-1, Fox-2 and Fox-3s
RWR issues have been widely reported recently, and I think i’ve read of someone else having an issue where their missiles were disappearing and not even allowing for the weapon track view thing to work, but still getting kills. Suffice to say. The Snail has a seasonal cold at the moment
i love dying to invisible missiles
Don’t know if this is old footage but shows the view through the Pirate while engaging some drones
the post claims that the analysis is “original” and “written by [them]”
this looks a suspicious lot like the TPOD UI…
yeah Gunjob also already told me that, its likeley Lightning
the video is linked in the post, its 13 days old dunno how recent the recordings are.
speaking of which
are these souds
the RWR or just effects added to the video for added immersion @Gunjob
happens again a few minutes later
Yeah “Nails” is the term used for an RWR contact. Its likely this is the tone.
IIRC all of the HUD footage in that series is faked (or maybe redacted) with a generic HUD added in post. So it is possible that the sound is also added after the fact.
Why would they be getting “Nails” when it is behind the Flanker?
I really need to watch that series at some point
Gunjob’s not English confirmed?