Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Here’s another nice bit from that website:



Which would confirm my thoughts about the EFT being able to fire weapons off of its DASS systems without the use of CAPTOR-M or PIRATE IRST. Stated accuracy being sub-1 deg out to 100km.

Arguably all stuff we already “know” about the EFT, but seeing as the EFT peeps dont market the plane as heavily as Dassault markets its Rafale, its not info I’ve seen explicitly stated yet.


They’ve already answered this one, the buttons being unilluminated is intentional.

Its a shame, I can see what they mean with the buttons not being dynamic to match the displays the user has selected. But at the same time I think it just looks abit silly without it.

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They aren’t.
The keys are small displays and the text changes depending on what Mfd page you have opened.
Funny thing about the picture you sent, is that we can see 2 mfd pages we are missing in game.
The one on left side wouldn’t be that relevant.
But the mfd page on the right side looks like it has engine information and fuel consumption on it, if I had to guess.

Tbh I wouldn’t even need the to be dynamic.
Even if they were just static it would look so much better.

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yea, this looks currently just emtpy…

Sure and that was my opinion too, but isn’t my choice to make unfortunately. Sorry chaps.

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About the TGP MFD on the British Typhoon the view is tilted to the side all the time.

But it does seem to be able to follow the TGP correctly, just that it’s tilted

Doesn’t say it can use what ordnance, probably just slaving of an ASRAAM and that’s about it if I had to guess.

The real shame is that information like selected radar mode is found on those buttons. Without thrm, you are missing a LOT of important information

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Aw that blows. That also means we’re missing some info in the cockpit tho.

What about the MFD’s/website I posted? Could those be used to bug report aome missing MFD’s like the radar profile and C-scope, or would more sources be needed?




Peak :D

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Maybe you should try it :)

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I’ll definitely consider joining it at some point, Thanks!

and the Paveway IV has been denied Data-link

and I really dont understand why.

The way I would implement DL is to simply remove the range limit on the laser spot updating the target point.

But I just dont understand why laser-guided bombs are classed as not being “man-in-the-loop” and its fine the GPS coordinates can be updated when within laser spot range (about 4km from target). But its considered “man-in-the-loop” when you want to update the target from further out


So then isn’t the question, why in their words do SALH guided PGMs (e.g. Paveway II / LGBs) not count as “Man in the loop”? As their point of impact can obviously updated Post-release.

Or even Brimstone Dual-modes

I guess what they define as man in the loop, is a self homing terminal seeker (TV/IR/MMV/GNSS) changing its target by the player will.

None of those could be classified as man in the loop. The bug manager just doesn’t know what he is talking about.


Read my whole comment