Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Meteor is designed to have LOAL and Loiter capabilities the IRST system was developed for combating Russian Gen 5 stealth aircraft.

Yeah, yeah. Keep dreaming. Bless to major’s, doom to minors

The difference is that AMRAAM needs to know the speed of the target to distinguish the target from dipoles, ASRAAM flies to the point indicated by the datalink and looks for the closest hot target there, filtered from signal flares, to the center of its flight axis.
If I’m not mistaken, the approximate range of ASRAAM will be slightly less than what Derby can do. A thick rocket with a large engine, a sleek body and minimal aerodynamic drag.

What is the difference with the usual guidance by radar datalink? Exactly the same set of data. Target deviation by horizon, by height, distance to the target and its speed. All these 4 parameters are already provided by IRST and Radar. Where is the difference? It seems to me that only in the accuracy of determining the range/speed. The rest is identical.

Anyone else noticing no improvement to the Typhoons Radar?
I mean yes HMD locks faster, TWS is still terrible still doesn’t find targets.
I honestly cannot believe this is meant to be a premier flagship airframe and I spend most my time trying to visually lock aircraft because the TWS return is 6 months out of date.

It has to improve


would be quite convenient…

Need some help here every 120 I launch from above on a low flying aircraft is missing and sensor view looks like its the DL from the “fantastic” Radar that is just sending them into the ground.

Apologise for the wide screenshot, missile is coming in above the helicopter and then just impacts the ground instead of trying to hit the heli. Had the exact same thing with an F-16 flying slow and towards me after missing with the 2 120s I managed to kill him with a Brimstone!



Probably the case,
That missile hasn’t even attempted to intercept, surely it should be trying to intercept and hitting the ground under the heli causing damage?

Unless Gaijin have changed how 120s work down low

Could you link the replay?

How do I do that?

Best bet, find the match on:

and share the link

But can be buggy and not all matches appear

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Strange as it looks to me the seeker is actively looking AT the target, not the direction of its flight.

Please make sure to always show proof of the documents being unclassified (Document is safe in this case).

Its an boring update, also called Nothingburger

Which one?


F-8 exerpts come from the F-8D’s Flight manual

and tac manual

The F-14 manual excerpt itself comes from one of the Redacted (Declassified) revisions of “An Outsider’s View Of The Phoenix/AWG-9 Weapon System” which was released in part under FOIA.

Get over yourself with that pathetic persecution complex.

This has been missing from the game for a lot longer than the Typhoons addition.


This is the part of the response that I think is hilarious, like what is the determination of speed from any sensor that isn’t just taking the range data multiple times? It’s such a stupid response I can’t believe they even bother writing it.

They acknowledge the PIRATE is capable of ranging, but refuse to believe it could do it multiple times to create a track file for a target that includes speed?

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Analyzing the radar waveform can provide instantaneous ranging, which is probably what they are referring to.

One method of obtaining range information from a CW radar uses frequency modulation (FM). The modulation can be sinusoidal, sawtooth, triangular, or any shape, as long as the rate of frequency change is known. The transmitter emits a continuous signal, but the frequency is changed in a known pattern. When the echo returns from the target, it is then compared to the frequency being transmitted. This frequency difference is directly proportional to the range of the target.

I guess it would be a question of if it was accurate enough to create a sufficiently detailed track for an active radar missile to use for midcourse corrections, which it obviously is sufficient to get it into range of the onboard active seeker to provide terminal guidance.

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Why is the catcher so fond of locking on missiles and not on the enemy

I’m not wrong though, new the mechanics are often reserved for the “bigger” nations

Yes it was a flippant remark.