Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

No it doesn’t, the cue symbol on the HUD doesnt even move when you move the camera atm. (Not sure if this is accurate or not though)

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Im not exactly a fan of gaijins hypocrisy in rule application, but the HMD doesnt bug me a whole lot either. The fact its the literal best HMD in-game and has a feature multiple other HMD’s should have but werent given despite the fact its ahistorical to even have one in the first place is downright obnoxious though

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Cheers! Prepare for more.

Probably not.
If that would have been the case, both the Captor-M and Captor-M with Pirate would have had this bug, but they did not. The only radars that had been set to clear targets in 4 seconds were Captor-M with Pirate, RBE2, and V004. Likely, since V004 already had ESA features, they used portions of its code for the RBE2, but also did so on Captor-M with Pirate on accident. Regular Captor-M was set to 8 seconds.
Oh, I didn’t notice it before, but the TWS target limit was also set to 4, again, only for Captor-M with Pirate.


Probably not.
If that would have been the case, both the Captor-M and Captor-M with Pirate would have had this bug, but they did not. The only radars that had been set to clear targets in 4 seconds were Captor-M with Pirate, RBE2, and V004. Likely, since V004 already had ESA features, they used portions of its code for the RBE2, but also did so on Captor-M with Pirate on accident. Regular Captor-M was set to 8 seconds.
Oh, I didn’t notice it before, but the TWS target limit was also set to 4, again, only for Captor-M with Pirate.

Once more I suspect Dev Shenanigans but who knows ))))))))

Anyway, who here has unlocked the tEaFT or can test drive it. I need someone to run a test with Pirate for me.

Can you guys see if Pirate has the same problem?

Gunna take it out into SIM tonight, so will keep an eye out and see if I get pirate locks at longer ranges

That will be difficult to do. Best way is to lock something and to see if it maintains that lock once the aircraft goes past 30 km.

Thank you, though.

Hello, @Gunjob

They devs mistakenly marked the 30 km cap report as fixed. However, the cap is clearly still there, and on all aircraft. I attached some more info and a video in the comments. Can you reopen the bug and notify the devs, while it is fresh, please?

Said comment:

Here is the video:
This cap is present on all IRSTs, including Pirate, OSF, all Soviet IRSTs, etc.

The problem is that the distance gate is set to 30 km in "actionsTemplates"
for "setIrstBvrLockMode", "setIrstAcmLockMode", "setIrstHmdStandbyMode", "setIrstHmdLockMode":

"setDistGatePos": {
            "source": "constRange",
            "pos": 15000.0,
            "width": 30000.0

Also, all airborne IRSTs, except for Pirate, lack any kind of afterburner plume detection ("range7"), making them extremely weak.
OLS-27 also has only 1/2 of its rear aspect detection range and only a 1/10 of its front aspect detection range (no afterburner):
Community Bug Reporting System

Oh, and can this one be changed from suggestion to bug? Since Pirate has been added, there are more powerful IRSTs around and OLS-27 still has abysmal range.


Holy moly, this radar is boarderline unusable currently. im wasting most of my AMRAAMs on targets that turned out to not even exist (in sim)


I’m finding it to be usable in RB. Just gotta use the narrow scan pattern. Also is anyone else finding magic 2’s to be practically unflareable? If one of those gets lobbed at me I swear it’s practically a guarenteed kill.

Glad I aint plaging for a while, itd bs very angy at thiz point

Ive given up trying, at least in Sim. With most of the HUD and HMD non-functional and the radar a buggy mess. Its just not fun. Though makes a pretty good base bomber :D


My personal belief (has been this for a while) is that a Magic 2, at less than 2km, rear/side aspect is a guaranteed kill regardless of what you’re flying, I’ve got more confidence defeating an R-73 or 9M

But maybe that’s just me, but they’re absolutely criminal at 12.0

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Typhoon FGR.4 don’t see pantsir’s launch warning

Its still missing them GBU-31’s which im really hoping will be fixed by the time i play, but the other stuff like the HUD, HMD, and radar are a much MUCH bigger issue imo

Pre-flaring the WEZ is about the only way ive ever managed to not die to one if i got too close.

MICA’s are also nightmare fuel in a dogfight, made up with the fact theyre less of an issue at range tho, but that’ll change once theyre fixed (likely when C-5 and 77-1 and stuff comes)

I found this bug report which might interest you as a fellow sim player.
It is basicly about why the EF should have the IFF in the Hmd.

Did you try Jamming that WEZ

WIll get rejected. Let alone is it covering more than 1 item but…

-IRIS-T Missile. Digital not Analog Version.
-AIM-120C-5 (Found only one source)

Loadouts are always balancing issues, so IRIS-T and ASRAAM are not in game yet and its WAY too soon for them. Same for Aim-120C5

-The Helmet Mounted Symbology System (HMSS) is capeable of showing ground targets tracked by radar and other targeting pods

Striker I missing symbology has already been reported. Including its SB related issues

-Ability to mark and hit two diffrent targets with laser guided bombs

Already in game, you can hit 10 different targets with the GPS guided bombs or at least however many you have equipped. I dont think you can mark and lase mutltiple targets with a single Tpod

The entire part about what makes the EF special, its ECM capeabilities are missing. Not only the towed jammer is missing entirely also the internal ECM jammers are not in place.

ECM is not modeled yet on any aircraft

Far more interested in seeing things like CAPTOR-M properly modeled (partially reported) or at the very least the bugs affecting Blue Vixen resolved (already reported). The HMD to be finished (already reported) and for the HMD/HUD to function within ASB (already reported)