Is it only me or pirate wont slave on radar track, tws or stt… It just looks forward. Both “optical” and irst should be slaved to radar track, even if irst cant see it or “camera” track it on its own. It should atleast point at it. I managed to slave it once in test drive and then never again.
doesn’t the typhoon have a 9 G limiter same as the rafale ?? in real life
plus why are they saying that the thrust is 18.000 kgf in total that is correct and in the game, we have engines that produce about 8670 kgf for each engine?
its missing 10 KN of total thrust
stinky snail
if that extra 10 KN is added it would also fix the super cruising problem, right ? plus it would also fix the problem with the thrust-to-weight above 1 with a full air-to-air payload plus the acceleration being from 0 to 1224 kmh under 30 seconds as it should be
The engines are lacking dry thrust but yeah, the radar is terrible. TWS soft locks constantly pick up false positives and drift something shocking.
Pretty much.
I got it to supercruise at 1.39 Mach with 2 by 2 missile loadout and 20m of fuel - 9k metres.
isn’t it supposes to do that at deck lvl but at 1.20 Mach ?
No idea, for some reason I just remember someone saying it’s meant to supercruise at 1.4 Mach at 9k metres with an interceptor loadout.
snail if you are listening you are missing something here the engines are underperforming they should be 60 KN at dry and 90 KN at Burner
if that is the case why isn’t that applied to other jets we have in the game
They are the 15E when I did the math has anywhere for 16% to 20% channel loss same with the 29SMT. Meanwhile the eurofighter has the lowest. It’s sitting around 5%.
It’s super cruising around 1.4 like it should. Spend your time on more constructive things such as finding an valid source for more weapon stores.
10-13% not 5
Also the plane it evolved from had irl 2-3%
Care to back that up with an source? Would go an long way in a bug report.
Also math dictates that. 9071kgf to 8670kgf is about 5% not 10.
Noticed a cockpit model issue this morning
the gear selector handle remains in the ‘down’ position regardless of gear selection
You still get your “3 greens” but… yeah maybe worth a bug report for anyone who knows how to do one!
Go here with some photos and send a brief description. For yours being a visual bug shouldn’t require much photos.
If you don’t want to submit one or not comfortable you could PM me some photos I will make one for you.
Channel losses are applied to all other jets 😂
I’ll have a go at making one - first time for everything ey
That’s 5% per engine for a total of 10%. @Flame2512 has the source for the channel loss on tornado and it’s about 3% he posted it in the thread earlier.
% of channel loss is the same regardless of whether you consider one or two engines tho
It is applied to every jet in the game