Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

One of the Centerline BVR Missles can be changed to a targeting pod

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Well, they can simply change the middle tank for a TPod

did the EF use any PESA radars? or was it only mechanical and AESA with captor-M/E?

Mechanical to AESA


Also, do we know what bands the typhoons rwr can detect? i’m curious if we will be able to pickup pantsir locks and heli radars in the near future

Eurofighter could detect C-K band (possibly below C as well?). So should detect Pantsir lock.


What i read about it is the the rwr can pick up 100mhz-40ghz wich is mid A band - K band if i remember right

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@Flame2512 @Iluminas @Bugblox The most detailled i’ve seen is from 100MHz (mid-way through A band) through to 18GHZ which is approaching K Band but solidly into J band. (K band is 20GHz).

As flame said, should be able to detect Pantsir for certain, no doubt they thought of that when selecting an RWR.

So we can say A-K band give or take a few GHz.

German wikipedia seems to suggest later versions may even be able to see up to 40GHz but i’d take that with a pinch of salt.

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I have a document from the National Archives saying that the RAF chose to spend the money required for K band (20-40ghz) coverage. I can’t say whether the other countries did or not.


Cheers, Flame strikes again with the archives docs. Seems like the RAF went all-in on every defensive aid possible overall.

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Yeah Captor-M was just a new name for the ECR-90 radar as far as I know - maybe some differences between the UK and German versions. Captor-E is the AESA radar.

Captor M should be same for both countries no matter how much the Germans where trying it not to be

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Yeah the premise of the document is that the RAF have been told to save money so they need to decide what functionality to cut from the Eurofighter. It lists pretty much every feature which could be cut from the aircraft (even going so far as pylons and the ECM system).

Pretty much every entry is:

Treasury recommendation: Cut feature
RAF decision: Retain feature

The RAF seemed to only concede on some very minor features. It seems they decided they really did want all the bells and whistles on their Eurofighter, and would find the savings from elsewhere. I guess that is evidenced by stuff like them being the only customer to select the laser warning system as an optional extra.


Thankyou RAF, thank god we finally have a jet that wasn’t destroyed beyond recognition because “this don’t look cheap enough, where’s the modularity. Can we use this to transport troops? Is it air portable”….


Probably because last time they did that they ended up with the horror show that was the Tornado F.3 CSP… and we all know how that ended.

It’s like the Treasury doesn’t understand that cheaping out on Defence either a) gets people killed needlessly, b) turns out to be more expensive in the long run, or c) all of the above


Turning out to be more expensive that it should be is our specialty, our other specialty is bailing on the “cheaper” alternative when it turns out to be just as expensive. As if we hadn’t learnt anything from bailing the other project…. Where’s my TSR 2, where’s my fat useless bomber gaijin.

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i mean irl no it would’ve been very good, being able to fly ridiculously low and fast. WP Interceptors would’ve had the time of their lives trying to find one

But no, in War Thunder’s fictional universe, it’d be a fat stupid defenceless bomber.

Also anyone know how suggestions are checked? I had made a suggestion for another fox variant (one with a 25mm bushmaster) but now I can’t seem to find it after it disappeared from pending. There was a problem with the picture as it was too large but I couldn’t edit it, anyone know what I should do.

DM a Suggestion Mod. Usually they can give feedback (so i’m told!)

Tried that, still hasn’t gotten back to me. Don’t know how long I should wait, and I cabs to really make it again as it took me quite a while and I’m not the best at wording and such. Especially the technical aspect of making it look the same as the other suggestions.

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