Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Doesn’t say it can use what ordnance, probably just slaving of an ASRAAM and that’s about it if I had to guess.

The real shame is that information like selected radar mode is found on those buttons. Without thrm, you are missing a LOT of important information

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Aw that blows. That also means we’re missing some info in the cockpit tho.

What about the MFD’s/website I posted? Could those be used to bug report aome missing MFD’s like the radar profile and C-scope, or would more sources be needed?




Peak :D

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Maybe you should try it :)

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I’ll definitely consider joining it at some point, Thanks!

and the Paveway IV has been denied Data-link

and I really dont understand why.

The way I would implement DL is to simply remove the range limit on the laser spot updating the target point.

But I just dont understand why laser-guided bombs are classed as not being “man-in-the-loop” and its fine the GPS coordinates can be updated when within laser spot range (about 4km from target). But its considered “man-in-the-loop” when you want to update the target from further out


So then isn’t the question, why in their words do SALH guided PGMs (e.g. Paveway II / LGBs) not count as “Man in the loop”? As their point of impact can obviously updated Post-release.

Or even Brimstone Dual-modes

I guess what they define as man in the loop, is a self homing terminal seeker (TV/IR/MMV/GNSS) changing its target by the player will.

None of those could be classified as man in the loop. The bug manager just doesn’t know what he is talking about.


Read my whole comment

But we already have SALH+GPS configurations, in the GBU-54 / -55 / -56 (L-JDAM)? Which obviously permits post release retargeting.

I know what you said but self homing doesn’t make sense. Cause you are not in control after drop. So “them” using that as man in the loop doesn’t make sense.

After seeing the laser, GPS is turned off, instead it is flying on IOG, so technically you are not changing GNSS, but laser IOG.

PGM (the bomb with rocket boosters) can be launched as stand off, by locking a target, but mid flight, operator can take control over the targeting system, and change the seeker target, Man in the loop.

They do not implement man in the loop, that is changing the target of TV/IR/MMV/GNSS target.

Isn’t it’s deviation see to “0”, though? so it will always perfectly maintain intercept geometry.

Yes, but it is still technically not GNSS, but the laser seeker within the 4km range. Outside of the 4km range you cant change the GNSS target.

While we don’t have man in the loop, the Paveway IV should function like it without needing it because IOG should be so great that there’s functionally no deviancy. GPS aided IOG weapons should have no deviancy from the last laser spot track even if Gaijin does not allow players to change the GPS coordinates themselves.

Inertial drift significantly reduces with the addition of GPS mechanisms. There should be paper on this.