Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion


Truly living up to winning through superior documentation.


I just…
When I next bug report something or Gaijin does something based on a brochure/marketing material, can I call it a “marketing lie” and demand they go find another source?


yeah no one is happy about that wording there lmao

saw some people already getting it into a copy-pasta with random (mostly) russian equipment, was quite funny

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Hey, you could have been told that physics mean the way your aircraft’s “airbrake” functioned doesn’t actually work IRL so it couldn’t possibly do that. Which is just a bit infuriating. At least “marketing lie” gives you a vague hope of proving it.


so lemme guess, they’re gonna change it to supercruise at 1.3 with min fuel and no weapons?


I am using max fuel and it supercruises 1.28-1.3 mach ish at 36k feet maximum

Top speed mach 2.14 - 2.15 or so at 34k feet

I was playing around with the Typhoon in test flight last night and noticed we get radar gun leads with IR locks when in range (1-2km). Is this a known issue with IRST in warthunder? I was also unable to turn off radar/irst, you can switch between them but can’t disable them.

That might be correct. PIRATE I think does have a ranging laser

I was under the impression Pirate can range targets without a laser? Not sure where i heard that tho and have no idea how it would work so I may well be wrong

I’ve heard both, so I really dont know these days, either way. im not surprised it can handle EEGS

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has there been a suggestion for customising MAWS CM slaving/response? or making it use the player’s periodic cm release settings?

This would be nice.

Yeah, that would be such an awesome QoL improvement

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The MAWS on the Typhoon. Its essentially placeholder at the moment right? Shouldnt it ignore flares and missiles not fired at the Typhoon? Like its suppose to on the Gr7


There’s no physical evidence of them ever doing so, and no evidence it has ever been cleared for use (at least to my knowlege)

There is no physical limitation as far as anyone is able to understand. The couplings are all there, the link ports should technically there. It’s just never been done IRL and the only documentation for it are from very early on in development.

Personally I think that AAMs have never been fitted there due to concerns regarding vortexes generated by the engine inlets risking the missiles hitting the body of the aircraft when released.

PD MAWS is not a thing in game as of now. So they will msot likely stay the same.


the interesting thing is that the “missile evasion” suggest the game knows when a missile was launched at you specifically, so its possible they could use that as part of it?

I’d presume the game is just tracking what jets are in the seeker fov and sending the notification out to them once they escape it for a set period. IDK if you’d want to use that for MAWS.

With the thrust changes today is it still able to reach Mach 1 from brakes off in under 30 seconds as BAE states it’s able to do or has gaijin gimped it

It’s more of a software issue than anything, at least for RAF typhoons, it’s only coded for paveways and I believe brimstone to be cleared on those pylons