Lol… its completely wrong.
Mechanical radar has gimbals 70/70 azimuth and 60/60 elevation. Its correct ingame.
Captor-E is on rotating joint which allows it to utilize beam up to 100° off to the side but limits scan to other side.
Fucking called it. I knew we’d get a gimped eurofighter. Best mechanical radar set on the planet, still worse than f15 or f16. What a world we could live in if gaijin weren’t so incompetent.
Ok yeah i wasnt too sure, i just remembered reading something about the change. Last few days ive mostly been fighting off hoardes of angry french players whenever I hop on the forums, which has been annoying and not exactly condusive to learning.
Even worse than ICE radar, imagine your replacement downgraded version of you.
I have to disagree for this, Brimstone has been really consistent for the games I did in the EFT’s. With what MBT you struggle with?
Oh, could you give like any general advice on using them, I’ve been struggling a bit. First laser guided ATGM for me in a while
Some random russian tank, and to maintaining lock on target while evade random Mica, other Fox-3, and Pantsir. Since this “consistent” missile need to be guided while you need to dogfight at same time. And the worst thing the radar have lol TWS make me unable to launch AIM120 from 10km because it keep lock the ghost 👻 we mentioned above.
Generally the Su-27SM is naturally going to perform better, with the thrust increase. that’s normal.
The Su-27S right now still has slightly more speed bleed than it should below 720 km/h (automatic flap extention speeds.) its rate at 1000+ is about right, considering gaijin’s 1.5 G limit rule, though personally I don’t care about those values because you wouldn’t fight above 850 km/h to begin with. This is a step in the right direction and, hopefully, a start, not a finish.
my personal struggle against the brick wall that is the bug report forum moderators was at last avenged, but giving in and letting them get away with more now would be sending the wrong message.
Come play the eurofighter! We have, gimped cm, busted radar, broken fm that likes to flat spin for no good reason, and to top it all off, the devs think its correct.
The only real problem being radar
I even cant launch my AIM120 without hard lock.
They’re all problems that likely wont be fixed at this point. aside from more fm nerfs that likely wont fix the instability issues that shouldnt be there.
Gimped CM, and busted radar? sure, I agree.
the flat spinning is all eurofighter tho. it does that, without dampening (flight computer). if it’s happening in realistic then it’s a instructor issue
you should complain to them that the F-16/JF-17/J-10 don’t, not so much that the eurofighter does.
they artificially stabilized the F-16 FMs and still refuse to fix it.
This seems weird, how are you trying to use them? I find them very effective while playing aggressively with them
This is something you have to do with every missile, keeping lock on the target should not be an issue at all.
A Video
It happens with instructor and full real.
it’s a Instructor issue then, they should make it a little more restricted on the AOA and it should be fine.
IRL the Eurofighter does not exceed 25 degrees of AOA, otherwise it spins n’ dies. it’s a delta.
Well it most definitely does in game and spins out. makes maneuvering at low speed very dangerous. the instructor turns with the rudder too.
Im surprised your pilot even didnt sleep while doin that high G turn. Well I already done that…
make sure to stay in dampening below 400~ km/h at all times and it should feel a lot better.
for RB, try to make a bug report for the instructor still making you spin out, they’re more likely to look into it with instructor involved. provide them a video in rb controls maybe