Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

Im actually more than interested, i’ll be happy to recieve additional missiles for my EFT and i already stated this.

So i dont understand what you’re problem is.

Pretty sure @Flame2512 posted a document saying the aircrafts systems dont accept more than 6 MRAAM and 6 SRAAM, tho it was an older doc.

Might imply it could carry it on the wingroot pylon but still limit it to 6 AMRAAM. The only advantage being it MIGHT mean it could carry a 6+6 load.

Doc might of even said 4 SRAAM was the limit, I cant remember 100%

I do agree that physically, theres unlikely to be any restrictions, but we dont have any solid proof it can carry them in those locations atm, and the closest thing I saw to “conclusive” seemed to point to it not mattering anyways.

its adding zero weight and complexity. The wiring already exists, all thats needed is adding it to the computer system.

The real issue is cost for testing that the missile will seperate in all flight situation and not get kicked into the fuselage by some bad airstream.

Which btw is the EXACT same with Tornado carrying GBUs on the wing stations, yet its allowed ingame

That didnt stopped Gaijin to give 8 missiles to Mirage2k5F, if that is the case then there is absolutely zero reason why EFT shouldnt recieve additional missiles.

They could just remove the M2K5F’s 8 missiles as well, but idk much at all about its missile capacities or why it got 8 if you claim it cant.

Because according to documents FCS can only register 6 missiles at once which means additional Magic2’s cannot be used with 6 MICA configuration.

People posted official documents to fix this unhistorical buff but Gaijin just refused to change it.

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So can we get a normal catcher m? Or is the current Catcher M a half-finished product or a finished radar

CAPTOR-M is pretty much unfinished but it seems gaijin doesnt wanna change certain aspect of this radar.

Well thats weird, I dont see why theyd be so adamant to keep it up at 8 either. Tons of planes only had 6 AAM’s when it was added, and the ones carrying more had the disadvantage of being much larger “heavy” fighters…

Not really unfinished if they dont wanna change anything.

Seems unlikely we’ll get anything much better than the current CAPTOR-M ingame unless someone finds a lucky unclassified technical document for it. Atm tho, from the looks of it, it seems pretty subpar.

If the Catcher M is now in a finished state, then I think Gaijin has messed everything up, and one of the electronically scanned radars that is considered to be the most powerful in reality is so bad in the game that it is not even as good as another unsuccessful APG65

My theory is that they wanted keep France in meta with 8 missiles configuration until Rafale arrived.

Otherwise i dont see any reason why it shouldnt be fixed.

Doesnt make a whole lot of sense since they didnt remove the 8 missile load once the Rafale was added. France was also not struggleing at all, the M2K’s have been strong since day 1 ingame.

Many decisions doesnt make sense in this game actually, im not even surprised at this point.

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You’re a lot more chill in this thread than the Rafale one lmao

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Bug report on captor-m gimbal limits

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I wonder why, lmao

It’s good, it seems that in this version Gaijin ruined the pzh2000 and the catcher m

Cuz ur not being egged on by a bunch of ppl with selective reading and/or no reading comprehension skills?

This whole bug report is wrong and its gonna get shot down btw, the gimbal limits are fine and the radar doesnt operate as a fixed plate one ingame


All mechanical radars are placed on gimbal, this is why they are mechanical. I think you messed together Captor-M which is mech radar with ±70 gimbal limit and Captor-E which is AESA radar, but it’s plate also tilt on gimbal