Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

Radar is extremely bugged. TWS mode basically conjures targets into existence even when they aren’t there, I’ve had my 120Bs go for “ghosts” because of that.

Flight performance wise, worse than the dev, its G-pull got lowered, and as such its ITR is now also lower (~36 deg/s as opposed to ~39 deg/s we had previously).


Example of a ghost.


Aren’t these “radar ghosts” currently a problem for everyone? I have these with the TWS (and manual lock) in my F-15 and F-16 too and sometimes the PD-Radar locks chaff (with higher priority than planes heading towards you) too for whatever reason. This happens since months and it never got fixed even though it was reported AFAIK.


Do you know if it’s contained to the German EF, or has it extended to England and the Rafale?
Doesn’t sound amazing, but I am still instantly buying GE and getting it lmaooo

I’d hold off until tomorrow tbh

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Same thing happens on the Gripen radar.

Really infuriating.

I think its picking up SARH missiles which are out of energy and flying at normal aircraft speeds.

Do you have a screenshot from sensor view?

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I assumed the update was going to come out tomorrow haha, but you’re probably right. Wait for them to put out the first patch for everything.

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Don’t think so as these objects aren’t moving and the “relative speed indicator” indicates your own speed in m/s moving towards a static object.

I think i’ll respade my F-15i and then wait for a patch to fix the bugs tbh, kinda disappointed with gaijin’s quality control standards atm, we’d all rather wait than have an unfinished, buggy mess like this patch

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It dominates the Gripen in 1v1s so, worth it.

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Considering I’ve had to use the ICE for the last 6 months, this is a VERY welcomed addition LOL

It’s not chaff because whatever it’s picking up is moving at over 1500km/h

It may be server/client desync in how the game “sees” distant targets… whatever the radar sees on the client doesn’t seem to exist on the server.

Yeah, it is kind of disappointing. But it isn’t unique to Gaijin tho.
Always a risk/reward ratio, if they delay it, players would be upset. If they didn’t, we are still upset it isn’t ready. Nasty paradox there.

Patience is a virtue, and gaijin has thrown that out the window to satiate the ‘devblog when?’ crowd, which is a slippery slope tbh

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In the screenshot, the object has a closure rate of +200m/s away from the players vehicle.

That would make the objects speed around1500km/h

If the object was static, it would display a closure rate of -240m/s, matching the player vehicles speed.

The is no - symbol on the display.

Yep. Nearly every single AAA has this issue.
I think it has to do with the skills of the devs, people nowadays don’t really seem to fully understand coding/game design. Need to return to the stereotypical 2000s nerd in the basement making games.

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Isn’t it the other way around? Negative speed is moving away, positive speed is moving towards you.

They also removed GMTI for some reason

whaaat…why in the world would they do that? :/

Leading theory, the Rafale also lost it (which might be correct) and for some reason so did the typhoon.

But it was a bit buggy, so maybe they are just scrapping it and starting again

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