Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

yeah, tws still doesnt display the enemies on the HUD, & apparanetly applies to acm hard lock. & maybe src pd? (Would have to double check)

hardlock dosent either

worst thing is it only applies to simulator it works perfectly fine in rb

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Its exactly the same effect. Its identical to 9M in all aspects except that it is called 9LI-1

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funny how it was reported, yet still got on live server even though it works in RB so there has to be easy fix for it…

Ufff, they calculated the thrust/intake losses of the EF to be 13,5% dry (6118 kgf uninstalled, 5390 kgf installed) and 11% wet (9177 kgf uninstalled, 8260 kgf installed) which seems way too high to be correct, especially as the air intake is designed to accomodate the EJ200s in their combat settings with enhanced airflow…


Airflow is not necessarily higher, the temp limits are simply raised. To produce higher thrust the turbine inlet temp increases while the compressor T3 temp stays relatively the same. The larger difference results in increased thrust at the expense of engine lifespan.

AFAIK the compressor compresses more in this setting too (due to higher RPM) which causes more airmass flow, but that is something some data states without specific numbers.

whats even worse they marked my bug report as a duplicate for a completly different bug

What I reported


The bug report that mine is a duplicate of


Iam so pissed rn about the stupidity of the Bug Reporting Managers

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Can the Eurofighters RWR not identify anything because of that bug? Or what does it mean?

the mfd isnt working properly
but that isnt what i reported at all

Try switching mfd mode maybe

the rwr mfd mode isnt working at all on the german EF

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higher pressure ratio means more mass flow but the actual amount of air coming in the front is not more necessarily at any given condition, no?

More mass flow through the core means more mass flow through the front as the fan has to spin at higher RPM too to keep its own pressure ratio up which of course increases mass flow through the bypass too.


If higher RPM’s are used to achieve higher flow while maintaining pressure ratio and T3 temp, increasing SOT would enhance supercruise performance at the cost of engine lifespan which circles back to my point.

Yes, but the focus was airflow through the inlet and not thrust on this one.

I don’t understand what would be the point of war mode setting if not increased thrust. If flow is higher the pressure limit must remain the same and T3 temp will not increase. To achieve higher thrust they increase SOT temp. Larger gap between T3 and SOT temp will yield larger increase in thrust.

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The point was that the current air inlets are oversized for the current airflow of the engines and are instead designed for the higher airflow of the combat settings which in turn means that they’re currently oversized and shouldn’t have as high as 11-13% channel losses as they currently do in-game.