Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

Ironically: As this is marketing material shouldn’t the EF be able to be armed like that because it’s otherwise a “false claim” which would violate the advertising law? :D

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i think that all was still WIP

I believe this was their plan to make an F-15EX competitor. It used to have an interactive section on the main Eurofighter website but that’s gone now. So they might have abandoned it, possibly, maybe.


no you can fire vhikirs without activating the laser

As i said earlier its not a false claim, since its show with the AMK kit, which likely is a requirement but no nation adopted yet

yeah but then it aint tracking anywhere maybe fly straight and then deviate from its path

That’s alot of “maybes” but yeah, you can’t buy anything with a maybe :)
And the possibility for it to be a further developed F-15EX competitor seems suprisingly logical.

By the way, are there 2 BOLL containers with false thermal targets on double EFT pylons under Aim-120?

It just turns out that if we have a double pylon under the Aim-120 and each guide is BOLL, then we will have at least 960 false thermal targets if we take 8 Aim-120 + 2 Aim-9

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no did you ever use the vikhir in game?

testdrive the su39 fire a vikihir and you gonna see that it dosent activate the laser for firing and guiding the vihkir

because its not a normal laser, its doesnt show as laser active but it still is active

bundeswehr just stop it, seriously leave it be, your propasals etc dont lead anywhere

Then this is a bug as the Vikhr is a “laser beam riding” missile. Laser is laser, be it guidance or marking and the LWR should perceive it.

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I’m just wondering if these pylons have built-in blocks with false thermal targets or not.

nope, normal missile rails

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Do the dual pylons for the Aim-9 use the same BOLL containers?

Maybe it’s just that the Aim-120 needs a reinforced pylon, so it doesn’t hook up to BOLL

Oh damn, wasn’t expecting “Wanking with a gun”

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BOL rails can carry AIM-120, I assume the pylons on the Euro simply arent wired to the DASS

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And they’re located this far outwards of the wing on purpose: The wake vortex of the wing is used to better disperse the flares and chaff after ejection and to keep them longer in the FOV of the seekers. This is especially effective with the used pyrophoric flares which aren’t yet implemented in game AFAIK (would be cool if they were as that would make flares much more effective against modern seekers).
The chaff of the EF gets enhanced by the EW equipment by the way, as it get illuminated by radar signals after dispersion to make it even more alluring to radar seekers as a target or for HOJ modes (of course not implemented in the game either).

@Smin1080p_WT Can you answer why the German EF isn’t getting AIM-9L/I-1 or AIM-9M?


Can a bug report be made so that BOLL would be used with the Aim-120? In Simulation battles, the more false heat targets, the better.