Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

Datamined, but that doesnt mean anything.


“If you mine gold - it doesn’t mean you’re rich”

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Isn’t that still too high? All sources state 11.000 kg empty mass. It varies among some sources between 10.500 and 11.500 kg but the “Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH” says 11.000 kg empty mass.
The initial 11.700 kg were the weight of the two-seater-variant and the fuel mass (~4.500 kg instead of ~5.000 kg) fitted the two-seater variant too. So it seemed like they took the data of the two-seater and slapped that onto the one-seater (by error or for balance reasons as “it cannot be what should not be”).

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It’s still probably too heavy but I think even more important than the weight is the FM being able to do crazy things but also not being able to do the realistic things like the STR, I think 300kg won’t make too much difference but I do think it should be reduced to 11,000 as that’s the common figure and a mid-point between the 11,300 and the 10,500 which could be a little optimistic?

There is also the possibility that they all list 11,000 kg because Eurofighter is described as being in the 11-tonne weight class and 10,500 is the true figure?

The most precise value for weight that I found is 10.995 kg from here.

Originally the EF was designed as an “Interceptor- or Fighter-Plane only” which weighted empty 9.750 kg and could carry 6.500 kg of weapons. At that time the engines weren’t throttled either and delivered their full 69/95 kN thrust which would have resulted in insane TWR and manouverability. After the cold war it was changed to be a Multi-Role fighter so its empty weight increased as did the maximum weapon load (7.500 kg) and the engines were throttled to 60/90 kN to double their lifetime during now peace time operations.


Do you know if this is going to get fixed?
It is really annoying for us 7 Sim players out there.

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The radar as a whole stil is massive WIP, shiuld just wait a bit

To my knowledge non of the HUD/HMD/MFD were final or finished on dev.


Do you happen to know if de Dev is closed now permanently?

It is closed, but I don’t know if its planned to reopen or not.


Do you know something about the engine settings? Currently in-game they’re set to their “reduced-wear/peace setting” with 60/90 kN thrust but were designed for 69/95 kN thrust before the end of the cold war. This is AFAIK a software limitation and can be disabled in case of wartime operations.
There were multiple reports already but nearly all closed down with “static thrust != installed thrust” which missed the whole point of the reports.


I added two more sources for ~11.000 kg here as well;


Which is funny as they reduced the weight from 11.700 kg to 11.300 kg AFAIK.
Like “All sources state 11.000 kg? Nah, can’t be right, we know it better. Reduce it but not as much as it should be so 11.300 kg it is.” :D


Thst sounds like clear manufacturer lies to me


Yeah, that was a good one. Even got edited out a few minutes later but the damage was already done (the internet never forgets). The point of “manufacturer lie”, which would be a reason to sue the manufacturer as the product doesn’t deliver the promised performance, was ignored at that and the military and government will sue you if you lie about equipment purchased in a billion dollar manner (even to just get a tiny bit back of that investment as “tiny” equals dozens to hundreds of millions in such cases).

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11.000 kg is weight with gun ammunition, pilot and liquids or without it?

Definition of military empty weight according to the KSE-Contract from 1990:

Empty weight means the weight of a vehicle excluding the weight of ammunition, fuel, oil and lubricants, removable reactive armour, spare parts, tools and accessories, removable snorkelling equipment, crew and their personal equipment.

So even if we add the ammunition (150 bullets at 516g = 77,4 kg) and a crew member (100 kg with equipment) it should bei 11.177,4 kg at most. But as empty weight is defined without all that it should be 11.000 kg in game too as that is what empty weight means.


Thats interesting. So you’re saying the 60/90kN should be considered installed thruat as the engines can actually output 65/95kN but are throttled down intentionnaly via software to improve lifespan?

Do you have a source for that, id love to take a peak!


Empty weight in game includes ammunition weight an etc

That kinda defeats the definition of “empty weight” as things as pilot and ammunition should be variable depending on the ammunition type and equipment used for example.

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