Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

Praise smin!

An report like this?


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yessir o7

Not exactly sure how the brimstones are “for balance” considering theyre some of the absolute worst guided air to ground ordinance in-game.

As they currently stand, having them is more of a matter of novelty than anything, with their tiny warhead, slow speed, and terrible guidance method due to the decision not to allow them to be F&F.

They arent even the Brimstone II’s or III’s with their increased 60km range, which would be more in line with the range class of the AASM Hammer and Kh-38M’s


Idk why they don’t at least add Brimstone 2 with the SAL mode only

I would wish this "balance" approach would work all the time, instead of once for every 15 cases. A bit tired of the gaijin double standard.


This is very a strange reaction given the upset here yesterday when other people tried to have them removed.

We discussed it with the Devs to provide the response that they will stay. However if your feedback is now that you don’t want to see them on the German Typhoon, we can pass that back up too if you wish?


Well, I am definitely excited for Brimstones

Welcome to the Forum, some day its so, the other day so xD

Well no one wants them removed, but they would definitely be better if they were Brimstone II instead. They aren’t exactly the best air-to-ground missile at the moment.

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I think people are more upset at their removal due to the fact its ALREADY the worst EFT ingame, and slapping an afditional restriction on it would just be twisting the knife. But I could be wrong.

Its really odd to me gaijin opened themsepves up to these massive arguments about armaments and sensors and the likes on the EFT and Rafale by skipping their early variants and jumping straight to the later variants for some biazare reason.

Either way, my point was not being “unhapy” that brimstones are remaining, I just think calling it a “balancing decision” is a little odd when the brimstones themselves are the munition equivalents of dead weight in-game, and only due to gaijins other “balancing decisions” regarding them.

They are outright outclassed by most other PGM seen on other top tier jets atm.

  • Mavs outrange them, outdamage them, and are F&F.
  • EGBU’s outrange and outdamage them.
  • Kh-38M’s outrange, outdamage, and outspeed them, along with being F&F
  • AASM outrange, and outdamage them, while also being F&F.

You do however get to carry a lot of them to tickle something repeateadly over the 5min+ itll take you to fire them all.

I might be being overly nitpicky about wording tho, so I apoligize.


Finished my suggestion for Brimstone 2 for all EFT’s.


Based gunjob


They are not that bad


To be fair, I think Grom-1 was a first step into doing it, if next year we will have multi-chassis AA systems, cruise missile would be a nice addition or anti-radiation missiles.

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No but they could be a bit better via brimstone 2, especially if we are not getting the ARH mode for a while

Theyre slow, short ranged, laser guided, and have small warheads. Theyre about the definition of “bad” for a PGM in WT.

They dont actually have a place in-game as it stands besides “novelty”, or in the event you play a GFRB match vs a team that somehow has no SAM’s or fighters and allow you to slowly lob a flurry of small missiles at them in the hopea of maybe getting a few kills.

The 8x paveway IV’s are more valuable (more range, more damage), same/better guidance method than the brimstones, and that stands for both striking player targets and NPC’s in sim, particularly since in sim, nobody is gonna let you loiter long enough to guide them all to target.

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They are spicy on the Tornado, on a Platform as capable as a EF they will be great.


German eurofighters use brimstones, have them tested since a long time. The pe3 is a software update every eurofighter got. Tranche 2 block 15 are all capable of getting it.
Not to mention how the skin is of a T3A.
U realy are just salty. Did israel have those agms or ever tested them on the aircraft?