Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

Not really, NEZ has 1 definition, the issue comes down to the conditions, an NEZ of 20km can be. It’s bad or good. At low altitude that’s pretty decent, at high altitude that’s crap. So that’s why you also have to give the conditions.

@Fireball_2020 As I’ve demonstrated there are at least two definitions for NEZ:

Example 1

friendly aircraft will have to operate well inside the “no escape zone”, the range at which the aircraft can no longer kinematically defeat the missile by turning away from the launch site and accelerating to top speed.

Example 2

The no-escape zone was defined as within the effective range of the weapon, such that a target could not escape the weapon with a maximum manoeuvre.

There seem to be several different NEZ definitions depending on who you ask, which made it a pretty meaningless metric (at least without context).


Because it’s unlikely they mean the range at which you can out pull the missile with 9G’s(incredibly hard to judge that irl in terms of timing and energy), this is presumably inferring a 9G turn and run

It’s possible they mean they same thing.

Except testing atm has basicly shown the R-73 to be the outright best IR missile on a plane ingame atm and able to pull 90° turns and hit targets just fine

2 days and we will see how it performs in a real match environment, maybe on an inferior plane but it propably still will be a menace

In GFRB itll be a nightmare even on the Su-25. I dont think ppl realize that point. In air rb, its power will be limited by its plateform oflbviously, as missile markers, plane markers, and its aircrafts charafteristics will hamper it.

In GFRB tho, where there are no markers, and all air combat is relatively close range, the missile will be incredibly powerful, with more range than the 9L, more pull for wacky shots, and much MUCH better fpare resistance (itll be the most flare resistant jet missile ingame on release aside from the R-27T)

Oh not only GRB, but also Sim battles, i think arcade might be problematic as well with missle spamming

Will probably also be able to deal with any helis with DIRCM right?

Just glad MAWS is coming to jets soon

Only helis with DIRCM are the russian ones. Also, I’m not too sure it shouls be any better vs DIRCM

Ah right, wasn’t sure if other nations got access to that, but no surprise there then.

Yeah I have no idea if IRCCM works vs passive IRCM systems

Anyone say anything about the title? lol, gonna have to change it soon.

*180 degree

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Is the F-35 really that good of a air superiority fighter like the Typhoon is? In some respect I think the Typhoon still has it beat.

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cough worses missle not meteor compatible yet cough



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Itd probably crush the Typhoon in BVR due to to avionics advantages. In terms of actual flight performance tho, its substantially worse. The whole concept is to never get in range for flight performance to matter though.

Depends on the mission profile.

Within WVR, the winner is clear. Typhoon would likely always win

Also in QRA, again the Typhoon has it beat.

Typhoon can also carry the greater number of Air to Air weapons.

But in BVR its not entirely clear cut. Its entirely possible that the Typhoon may be able to get a lock onto the F-35 with radar, and whilst german Typhoons dont have it, british typhoons do have IRST which may help greatly. The latest radar being deployed to the Typhoons (at least certainly the british ones) are also potentially able to detect stealth aircraft like the F-22 and F-35.

Though those BVR advantages go completely out the window if the F-35 takes any external stores.

So within War Thunder, it could be an interesting fight, in ASB, I’d maybe give my money to the F-35, but within ARB, it would be the Typhoon every time I think (Unless they actually fix ARB and add map sizes that are appropriate for jets)