Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

u cant with german either xD thats the problem, besides that UK used it as well, same with italy

Thanks for the information.

For gameplay purposes I hope its the same.

“Next came the 9L(I), which had its IRCCM module hardwired into the GCS, providing improved countermeasures as well as an upgraded seeker system. Diehl BGT also markets the AIM-9L(I)-1 which again upgrades the 9L(I)GCS and is considered an operational equivalent to the initially “US only” AIM-9M.”

L(I) was considered equivalent to AIM-9M-5, L(I)-1 is likely comparable to M-7 models.

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jup, thats pretty much most which is known, i heard something about the later variant having a smokeless motor as well, but never found sth about that again

Have you any speculation as to why Germany bothered with the Eurofighter EK if the ECRS MK.2 exists with improved EW (based on the Gripens too I believe so VV good), equally if Germany is using the F-35 why bother with the EF EK? The EW of the ECRS MK.2 is why the UK and Italy haven’t bothered funding the EK.

keeping production /development and generaly industry in their own countries pretty much, same can be said for the taurus and the shadow the cruise missles from germany and uk which pretty much are the same

I suppose that’s a fair point as the ECRS radars are by Hensoldt, Leonardo and BAE. Keeps the German industry rolling.

Forum hamster is still dying. RIP Hamster.

Britain has full spec everything, LWR, PIRATE and ASRAAM

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While I’m positive Mk.2s EW capabilites are great, I doubt it can fully replace a tailored to EW platform like the EK (what’s more, EK is speculated to use Mk.2 radar at the end of the day, so it would “double” its EW potency… granted it’s only a speculation, it could use Mk.1 still, or Mk.1 MLU, too early to tell).

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speaking of a2g weapons
The BAAINBw is discussing Brimstone for EF and the acquisition of more GBU-54s which I would assume to be used with Eurofighter.
Abteilung Kampf (K) (

EF EK is similar to EA-18G.
of course F/A-18 E/F’s AN/APG-79 AESA radar have EW capabillity, but extra modification about EW makes EA-18G can have better EW capability.
I fundamentally don’t think ECRS Mk.2 will have better EW capabilities than EF EK.

British is best in all areas imo. Best radar and avionics, best air to air weaponry, and best air to ground weaponry (not sure if Germany and Italy both use brimstones and other new British weapons).

not true lol, all use meteor, and IRIS-T vs ASRAAM is situational, depends what you prefer, in the war thunder furball the IRIS-T will even dominate and be better

like what? IRIST can be mounted in germany anytime and yet again, we have planes with them already as well

in contrary germany is the only nation that tested the AMK kit, which would result in german ones having the best avionics

wrong as well, they share the same radar currently and in the sense of war thunder the mk1 and mk2 have no differences either

again wrong, all typhoons are brimstone capable, that is a software update all typhoons received with tranche 2 and we already have shown at least for germany that they carry brimstone even if at least for testing currently

like? there is no other new important weaponry, besides that it is questionable if we even ever gonna get brimstones in the game

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German and Italian Eurofighters don’t have/mount a laser warning sensor, this will be very useful when fighting any aircraft with long-range passive launch IR missiles such as the MICA as they all use a laser rangefinder in the IRST for targeting (to my knowledge the eurofighter is the only one that doesn’t).

Essentially its useful for all IRST launches and also against things like Pantsir’s.

In-game they will all roughly be equivalent. However British Eurofighters do in theory have the best defensive aids package and everything else is then the same.

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yeah that was the only thing that came to my mind the LWS, but his statement british is best in all areas is simply wrong

They’re either equal or Britain is better (but in so few areas its not really relevant, equally you could argue Germany has more EF’s). Things like theoretical improvements are standardised across all Eurofighters but in-game I think the best way to do it is to have them the same.

I’d like to see the Italian and German EF’s get the LWS in exchange for the Brits getting the AMK and (potentially) TVC.

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IRST. You state the “germans can fit it at any time”, but the simple fact is that they haven’t.

Are you really trying to say that the ECRS-1 mk2 isn’t going to be better than the mk1?

Though UK companies had leadership of the Captor-E project, there was never any chance that the baseline Mk 0 radar would be used by the RAF. Its corporate heart was always set on a more capable and more advanced radar, which would incorporate extensive electronic attack and electronic warfare capabilities.
The UK always resisted pressure to adopt what was once hoped to be a four-nation AESA programme, insisting that the RAF needed a more advanced set, known as Radar Two, or ECRS Mk 2. This led to a divergence in AESA radar development for the Eurofighter. The British ECRS Mk 2 is derived in part from the Advanced Radar Targeting System (ARTS) and Bright Adder technology demonstrators, not from the original Captor-C/D radar or the AESA-equipped Captor-E.

ASRAAM has a much greater range, and thus much greater no-escape zone. I’m not sure why you’re saying the IRIS-T is better at close range. The amount of g the missile can pull is not the limiting factor for these missiles. At best the IRIS-T has a tiny decrease in the minimum firing range. ASRAAM has no issues killing a manoeuvring target in its envelope.


Granted these might never be added into the game.

But if Germany doesn’t use them, they shouldn’t get them.

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Not the IRIS-T Vs ASRAAM it plane and simple one is better at closer and one is better at far but for how the war thunder meta is IRIS-T will be the better one that doesn’t mean ASRAAM will be bad


Like the R73 and R27ERs as long as it can do them then it should it the EFT it designed that way

read trhough the whole thread

this is an old debate as well, the IRIS-T does perform better in the short ranges

Storm shadow is the same as taurus
spear 3 is unintresting

so we take away the PGM from the british tornado as well right? and bunch of other stuff britain never used