Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

Sorry, this is translated in Chinese, he will turn CAPTOR-M into Catcher m


I found a message on the Chinese website that someone sent an unpacking message saying that the .38 version will fix CAPTOR-M, do you have any news about this

It won’t, .38 is fixing IRST on the Typhoon not Captor-M

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Germany eurofighter doesn’t have it so no fix…

No worries, i know you didnt do it on purpose.

Yeah it only resolved the IRST

Hello guys

Some updates on the outstanding Eurofighter reports:

Radar modes - GMTI will be added in the future. LPRF is used in target acquisition mode automation.

Scan speed - An internal report suggesting it should be 70 degrees per second will be reviewed and actioned.

Concerning reports of “ghost” targets, the devs are investigating this, however it appears to be a complex matter that requires deeper review. More clogs/ examples on the original report are most welcome.

Data Adaptive Scanning (Priority Track) - This functionality currently does not exist in game yet, however the devs will review the data further.

PIRATE IRST range - There was a problem with an incorrect scanning pattern, this has now been fixed. The overall problem of IRST not working above 30km is a slightly deeper IRST wide (not EFT specific) issue under further review.

DASS functioning on IR detection rather than PD - Currently all MAWS operate via IR means. The functionality for PD / Radar sensor does not currently exist, but will be studied further in the future, and its possible it may come.


Is the German EF going to get PIRATE? The fact that the you guys gave the Rafale 8 MICA and HMD despite the French variants not being capable of it until later the later F4 variants and some export variants, but won’t give the German EF PIRATE because it was used by WTD 61 is just hilariously biased.


As we have answered a couple of times now, it is not. We have the 3 national variants of Typhoon with the distinct features each of the 3 has in reality.

Its possible other variants of the Eurofighter can be suggested for the experimental / test airframes of this nature for future use. But the current 3 in game are reflective of each ones operational standard airframe and we do not have current plans to change that, so that each one has its differences.

Additional MICAs and HMD that was tested on F.3R standard airframes are possible to include in the Rafales loadout just as AIM-9M and Brimestone Dual Mode was for two of the Typhoon variants.

Future variants of the Rafale and Eurofighter remain possible.


So is Germany’s “distinct feature” to be objectively worse than the other two?

Just as PIRATE was tested on German Tranche 2 standard airframes…


What distinct feature does the German EFT have?

Additional MICAs and HMD that was tested on F.3R standard airframes

So… exactly like the PIRATE on Luftwaffe’s Tranche 2 standard airframe?

Brimestone Dual Mode

We don’t have the Brim DM in the game, we have the SAL, which is unhistorical for all variants, especially since it’s a Brimstone 1 that has never been used on a Eurofighter. Germany and Italy trialed Brimstone 2s & 3s, with the former actually placing down an order on 3s. UK operates Brimstone 2s on the their FGR.4s


Standard Luftwaffe Eurofighters do not have IRST. This is one of the key distinguishing visual features between them.

Luftaffe - No PIRATE, No LWR
Aeronautica Militare - PIRATE, No LWR

This is incorrect. The Brimstone in game is the Dual Mode Brimstone locked to its SAL mode. However the base version of the weapon is Brimstone Dual Mode. Basic Brimstone (1) was not capable of SAL guidance.

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So its distinguishing trait is being objectively worse, gotcha.

This is incorrect.

You can quit arguing semantics. It being locked to SAL makes it SAL only and thus it isn’t Dual Mode as the “other mode” isn’t even available, and it doesn’t have the range or speed of a Brimstone 2, so it’s a Brimstone 1 (SAL).


IRST is not a visual feature… it has significant gameplay implications…


There are no semantics to quit. The original Brimstone 1 does not have a dual mode seeker head. SAL mode is not possible for Brimstone 1. The first version capable of SAL mode and the version selected to add to the game originally for Tornado GR.4 and now the Typhoons in game is Brimstone Dual Mode.

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This is the definition of arguing semantics, you’re getting fixated on the term and not on what we actually have.

Tornado GR.4 and now the Typhoons in game is Brimstone Dual Mode.

Uh, cool, and it’s locked to SAL so by definition we do not have access to Dual Mode in WT and as such, calling it by anything else but Brimstone SAL is objectively incorrect. Hope this makes it easier to understand :)


? They were originally didn’t have the SAL mode but for Afghanistan they were modified to fit the rules of engagement so still are Brimstone 1 just the dual mode version

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Im afraid im just clarifying for you exactly what we have in game. Brimstone Dual Mode locked to its SAL mode of operation. We do not have the baseline Brimstone 1 version in game as its not possible to have SAL guidance on that seeker head without the Dual Mode Upgrade.

Your opinion is entirely understandable. However for Brimstone to have a SAL mode in the first place, it can be nothing earlier than Brimstone Dual Mode. Which is spesifically the version we have in game and the version chosen by the developers.

SAL defines its mode of operation in game. “Dual Mode” is the base name of the version of Brimstone we have in game.

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Is there any plans to give the Typhoon its historically accurate Brimstone 2? (can still be SAL) as no Typhoon ever equipped and used Brimstone 1s except maybe an RAF one, but as far as I am aware, the fitting of Brimstones onto Typhoon occured after Brimstone 2 entered service and so, have to assume they tested and fitted Brimstone 2s not Brimstone 1s


SAL requires a different seeker head. From this point, its a “dual mode” Brimstone and different from the baseline Brimstone 1 which does not have a SAL compatible seeker.