Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

And that’s from?

We don’t accept such reports currently, so whilst there will always be some low quality reports, they are not in the majority. What you proposed (to start accepting reports that don’t provide any values of any meaning and just use the words “better” or “improved” with no specific detail as to the what, how or by how much) would simply generate a near endless amount of reports that would allow people to try “buffing” or equally “nerfing” aircraft based on no factual detail at all.

Simply because of the fact that some quality reports are attempted now, does not mean its viable to accept 10-20x that amount and is a very strange reasoning to try to justify.

We have a baseline minimum standard that allows for some leeway and allows people to submit two secondary sources as suggestions for modern vehicles already.


You don’t want to know)

Sekrit dokumentz

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I kinda do


Actually we do. As if you cannot provide a unrestricted / declassified legal source for where it comes from, your post will be removed and you banned for posting material that does not meet the clear guidelines: Source Material: Restrictions on Classified and Export Restricted information (“Military Restrictions”)


Unrelated to your question but i heard you like to nudge devs

I made a bug report on the Radar Gunsight not working in the HUD
and some other odd stuff I observed while playing simulator.

80 percent of the information found on the radar for its configuration is in secret documents, and only 20 percent is publicly available.

I guess another ban is to come.

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Did I say that this is from some kind of far-fetched secret documents?..

You cannot post materials on the forum of this nature without proof that the source is declassified and legally public, free of any restriction. This is your own responsibility to follow: Source Material: Restrictions on Classified and Export Restricted information (“Military Restrictions”)

We will never use or handle material that is not fully and completely declassified and without any restrictions. Equally is is not allowed to be shared or posted on any of our platforms and anyone found to be doing so will risk their account being banned.


Seems like I picked a bad time to ask gunjob to look at my bug report lol

Nah, you are right on time. Classified documents leak is like every Thursday here.

It’s saturday tho
Maybe it was a little dalyed this week?

I will take this opportunity to again remind everyone here, please do not, under any circumstances try to post, use or share any sources unless you are 100% certain they are legally declassified and publicly safe for use.

We will never handle or use them and all it does is actively harm any possible future changes being possible by trying to use them. Do not do it. No good will never come from it for you or the vehicle you are trying to post it for.

All that will happen is you will be banned and face any potential further consequences for your actions: Source Material: Restrictions on Classified and Export Restricted information (“Military Restrictions”)



Oh, so that is why you guys made that, so you can post it when that happens!


Then what kind?
declassified one and dev just said marketing lie classified one you guy say it can’t be used.
then what kind of document you guy really want?
i’m really confused by now

Best decal.

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Plenty of reports for the Eurofighter have been accepted, you can see exactly what sources have been used.

Two agreeing secondary sources or legally unrestricted sources like primary archive information, such as the likes Flame has found.


This one is getting harder and harder with every patch.

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