Your test isn’t 1:1 they are identical in performance.
Because this opens up the floodgates and Pandora’s box to a whole spam of new reports with low quality sources for all vehicles that provide no detail or specifics and simply make broad statements such as “better” or “improved” which can have multiple meanings.
Therefore everything in game follows the same standards for acceptable values.
Passing the beam at 333 over a target at max range might very well not result in enough time to get a return, as you say.
But there is no “priority scan” mode available in game. The game does not to threat detection and classification like the computers on the EF does. I imagine the rral CAPTOR ripping at 333 moving the beam from target to target amd then slower across the target.
Such a mode isnt available in game, I dont think.
Edit: actually, isnt this just what TWS is supposed to do? To track and scan at the same time?
Perhaps a new mode should be made? Priority TWS. Where the system simply takes the 6 closest targets as the most dangerous and does jump scan jump?
If yiu wanna get really fancy you could do this with the 6 closest targets that the game classifies as fighters or interceptors
Well this approach incurages people to post those secret documents.
ah yeah i tought it is close enough between the both of them, still confuse me why german eft often losing lock on tws compared to other top tier plane like f15c/e, f16c, f4f ice, gripen etc
It certainly doesn’t. Because our standards are very clear: Source Material: Restrictions on Classified and Export Restricted information (“Military Restrictions”)
All that will happen is that user will be banned and we cannot use that information.
Gripen has the same notch gates on its PS-05A as Blue Vixen and CAPTOR-M. I think you’re experiencing selection bias.
I know but those rules sadly didn’t stop them bc it is the easiest and fastest way to proof your point when you have the document for some reason.
I mean the last time it happened was last week.
Proving a point is rather meaningless if it’s illegal and leads to no changes being possible.
So no reasonable individuals should be even contemplating that.
Nothing will change and nothing positive will happen.
Tbh there are a lot of people on this forum who aren’t reasonable/logical that would do anything for there favorite vehicle to be buffed.
(Me included, don’t have secret documents tho,
So pls don’t send me any)
Sent you 2 terrabytes of NATO archives with a doordash
Then they should show by doing so they are not only facing consequences themselves but also activily hindering any possibility of changes as we won’t ever use or handle classified or restricted materials. So all they do by doing so is make it even harder to use any data after even if it does become available.
Well now that I have them,
gotta make some bug reports
Well they don’t think that far…
They see an easy solution to a problem that would be hard to solve otherwise and they choose the “easy” way instead of the correct or smart one.
What are the inner wing pylons for? It seems there can’t be any AAM selected for them? And 3 pylons are droptank only? Why can’t I slap everything with AAMs?
Smin, realistically, everyone would be fine with the current radar limits and scan speeds. The only real problem that makes it almost useless - are ghosts. Could we get like a better filtering for it? Based on an assumption that this is a much more modern aircraft than anything we have in the game and stuff like that…? Or would they just state “THAT’S WHY THE FRENCH HAVE LEFT” and leave it as is?
This isn’t an issue unique to the Eurofighters radar.
Sure, but on EF it feels more like a radar feature than just clutter. It’s haunted.