Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

As we already detailed at the time, Countermeasures were also planned for the Yak-141.

I would remind everyone that this is a Eurofighter Typhoon topic and not a Yak-141 topic. This seems to be getting very much off track. The topic will be closed if this continues.

“planed” Is the keyword here.
Who said that it wasn’t planed for the EF to take Amraams on the inner wing pylon?

Eurofighter is not a prototype aircraft and has all of its known loadouts. There is no need to introduce possible planned wepaonary when it has a more than sufficient real weaponary loadouts of it’s own.

Well iam gonna stop now this is going nowhere anyways

I’m still not sure if that is the actual scan speed, or just the speed it can move at to “jump” between priority targets.

CAPTOR does have performance improvements over Blue Vixen in game.

It is X band in game already. There are many different radar band naming systems. The game uses the NATO naming scheme. X Band is part of the IEEE naming scheme.

It means the antenna is capable of quick movement, but the radar doesn’t necessarily scan at full speed, it could scan at at a more modest speed and then move really quickly to get to / from the priority track updates. Scanning at something like 333°/s could actually lead to worse performance due to the radar not having adequate dwell time on the target.

I’ve spent a lot of time looking into CAPTOR and can’t find much evidence at all for scan rates above 70°/s. Which I guess is an improvement over the 65°/s we currently have, but somehow I doubt people would be satisfied by that.

They look about right compared to the real screen:



No it shouldn’t. Gimbal limits are ±70°. Your own image shows that.


Allowing the ECR -90 to rival electronic scan performance. This is more Significantly more than M-scan vlue vixen. In fact, you already have pesa and aesa in game. So where is that rivaling???

I suggest you zoom in on that image and look at the Green aircraft triangle and its orientation.

CAPTOR-M has the same 140 sweep as the Blue Vixen…

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Same article also says - rival electronic scan performance. The SCAN is main word there.

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This comes back to the issue: No one knows.

We KNOW it can move 333°/s but does it usually Scan at tht speed? We dont know.

Does it only do it when jumping between priority targets? Is that the same as scanning?

Logically speaking I wouldnt want my highly costly radar pulling massive G load and strain doing 333°sec all the time. But in game we are constantly in a combat scenario so we could argue we should just “let it rip” at 333° / sec

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MB didn’t realize that the mfd is oriented to the north and not where the nose is pointing

How about an report for missing 1500L drop tanks? (Outer pylon)

Well that was a prime case of me being blind

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Why is Gaijin deathly afraid of making educated guesses?

don’t know if this is a good way to test tws, can’t test it in battle cause i haven’t researched fgr4 yet

but based on my test german eft have worse(easier to lose lock) tws than uk eft



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This is a bit confusing, how somethings that aren’t present in documentation can be added but also those with some documentation cannot. And I know what we tried to use as proof was not as strong as what gaijin would like would it not be fair to place it under the same category as planned weapons?

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“Electronic scan” is the type of radar, it’s not necessarily talking about scan mode.

Priority track means that the radar can “jump” to a target very quickly, scan the target, then jump back to where it was scanning.

See here: Community Bug Reporting System

As I said scanning at 333°/s may well give the radar inadequate dwell time to actually detect things.


They have the exact same notch widths…


 "mprfSearch": {
      "groundClutter": false,
      "aircraftAsTarget": true,
      "friendFoeId": true,
      "mainBeamNotchWidth": 60.0,
      "distance": {
        "presents": true,
        "minValue": 500.0,
        "maxValue": 74000.0,
        "width": 500.0
      "dopplerSpeed": {
        "presents": true,
        "minValue": -1500.0,
        "maxValue": 1500.0,
        "signalWidthMin": 2.0,
        "width": 30.0
    "mprfTrack": {
      "groundClutter": false,
      "aircraftAsTarget": true,
      "angularAccuracy": 0.05,
      "distanceAccuracy": 15.0,
      "mainBeamNotchWidth": 40.0,
      "mainBeamNotchMaxElevation": 4.0,
      "track": true,
      "distance": {
        "presents": true,
        "minValue": 200.0,
        "maxValue": 74000.0,
        "width": 150.0


    "mprfSearch": {
      "groundClutter": false,
      "aircraftAsTarget": true,
      "friendFoeId": true,
      "mainBeamNotchWidth": 60.0,
      "distance": {
        "presents": true,
        "minValue": 500.0,
        "maxValue": 74000.0,
        "width": 500.0
      "dopplerSpeed": {
        "presents": true,
        "minValue": -1500.0,
        "maxValue": 1500.0,
        "signalWidthMin": 2.0,
        "width": 30.0
    "mprfTrack": {
      "groundClutter": false,
      "aircraftAsTarget": true,
      "angularAccuracy": 0.05,
      "distanceAccuracy": 15.0,
      "mainBeamNotchWidth": 40.0,
      "mainBeamNotchMaxElevation": 4.0,
      "track": true,
      "distance": {
        "presents": true,
        "minValue": 200.0,
        "maxValue": 74000.0,
        "width": 150.0
      "dopplerSpeed": {
        "presents": true,
        "minValue": -1500.0,
        "maxValue": 1500.0,
        "signalWidthMin": 2.0,
        "width": 20.0
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They would depend specifically on each case. There is no one size fits all answer here. Some maybe balancing decisions (if something is too much) or may be a type of weapon we don’t have in game currently.

hmm weird why the uk one don’t lose lock but the german one does, based on that they should be similar

But you have to count with time of that jump scan jump. And it can do it up to 6 times. If it was this slow, even quick jumps would result in too long refresh rate for remaining tws tracks.