Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

Oh welcome, fellow eurofighter consortium engineer. Could you please slap that PIRATE system on our german Typhoon? Pretty please

Prove that Ho-229 and Yak-141 are production aircraft like Typhoon, I’ll wait.

I am not familiar with the PIRATE, so the question is not for me

Then wrap it together with AMK and IRST in a TVC package for EJ-200-01A)))


According to Eurojet, equipping the EJ200 engines of the Typhoon fighter with nozzles with a deflected thrust vector TVN (thrust vectoring nozzles) should reduce fuel consumption during a typical combat mission by almost 5% and increase thrust in supersonic modes by 7%. All this can be achieved by reducing drag by including another organ in the aircraft control system - nozzles.

Eurojet began work on TVN nozzles several years ago, and the EADS concern this year finalized the Typhoon fighter simulator in order to simulate engines with such nozzles. Now the partners are looking for funding to implement this program and bring it to the stage of in-flight demonstration.

EJ200 engines with TVN nozzles can be installed on an aircraft without changing the airframe design.


UK and Italy get PIRATE and smokeless aim9 missiles. How about Germany get TVC haha

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Aww man…
Was worth trying though



Interesting part about the lower intake lip of the EF:

When the Eurofighter flies at low angles of attack, the air flow into the engine is controlled by the movable lower lip in order to reduce spillage drag. Spillage drag occurs when the mass flow into the air intake is greater or smaller than the engine’s air mass requirement. The problem here is that the air density changes with altitude and the inflow velocity depends on the flight speed. With a stationary inlet, the column of air that is sucked in by the engine must either be “squeezed” into the air intake or “pulled apart” because the cross-sectional area of ​​the inlet and the volume flow sucked in do not match.
When flying slowly at low altitude with little power required, only a small volume flow is required in the inlet, the lower lip is in the highest position here. If the engine is now run up to full power, the inflowing air mass flow must increase. Since the flow rate of the incoming air depends on the flight speed, the inlet geometry must be enlarged to increase the volume flow. The lower lip now folds downwards, as can be seen in the picture on the right during takeoff. The boundary layer separator keeps the turbulent air from the fuselage away from the inlet. Since air drawn in via the ramp suction also becomes turbulent due to its rough surface, it is removed with the help of the slot suction and directed onto the wings, where it helps to increase lift.

Yeah, I just put that part of the article through google translate but if I understand that right it’s just for subsonic, small AoA flight. At supersonic and high AoA flight the airstream gets regulated by other mechanisms.


Tbh the frankenfoon we’ll get would hardly be a production aircraft as well, lol

no to the tvc

Let’s make the German Eurofighter truly the best among all Eurofighters!

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In supersonic flight, large angles of attack are useless, you will lose speed, the shock wave on the air intake channel will become unstable

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Thales website states that RBE2 is in-fact an AESA Radar. Yes there is and early model RBE2 PESA in game, but a bug report for RBE2-AA was submitted to allow AESA on this rafale and it was accepted.

Yeah, I meant supersonic or High-AoA. Sorry if that was unclear…

I know I’ve primarily been playing, but what weapons on Typhoon Tranche 2 wouldn’t be available to it?

the lower movable part at supersonic speeds allows you to hold the shock wave on yourself

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So, Pirate, Captor-E (AESA), EJ230 with TVC, Brimstone III (FaF mmW), Meteor, Iris-T, HOPE+HOSBO (or the in-development successor “Pilum”), etc.
We could lovingly call it “easy mode” :D

I almost died from that first vid, why would you do that to me…

Please add the pirate irst as a modification for the German eurofighter. The German eurofighter will be on par to the eurofighters of other nations while still providing UK and Italy a distinguishing trait, and it is history possible since the eurofightersbin German stock have the wiring and systems in place for the irst, and the german gov has shown the ability to purchase the pirate irst.

The model is finished, we won’t be receiving PIRATE this patch even if gaijin was willing to add ti