“Reliable developers and reliable tech mods”.
As if Gaijin can admit that Western is superior in terms of almost everything.
At this point im just laughing to their most claims.
also locks comments
that is, daftly, standard on bug reports.
I say it’s daft because someone else may have documents they wish to add/present, but aren’t the original reporter and aren’t in contact with reporter.
They should 100% go back to showing who handles bug reports.
As well as making their edits SHOW an icon saying it was edited.
Hi everyone!
I would like to apologize for the wording in report answer about supercruise capability and confusion caused. I meant that it looks like the speed mentioned in the websites is unlikely to be physically achieved under normal circumstances in real combat flight. Once again sorry for the words chosen and the misunderstanding.
Wait the Devs actually look on the forums?
So it should be achievable in-game with a clean airframe and say >50% fuel?
Germany has fully intergrsted brimstones and is actively purchasing them
So you’re basically telling that your calculations are based on the assumption that engine block is just a straight tube starting from the inlet - straight to the engines? You don’t even take into account any supplementary mechanization that can aid engines with that? Well of course you wouldn’t have data about it, but still. Tbh I’m not an engineer in any capacity, but I’ll look into it based on your answer.
UPD: Like for example - inlets mechanization, you couldn’t possible account for that.
(Lower part of the inlet is able to move down)
Also I would assume you don’t know a thing about any specific EC regimes that it has. Since it’s a pretty modern aircraft I would assume it has it and adjusts them depending on alt and speed.
iirc the problem is more with the variant of Brimstone that Germany has tested/will use
Afaik Germany plans to use only the Brimstone 3 missile, which is still far too advanced for the game, whereas right now we only have the Brimstone SAL except limited purely to laser guidance
How many developers are working on the Typhoon?
There is an interesting german Wikipedia article about the Eurofighters Aerodynamics including Engine inlet behavior on different Angles-of-Attack and different Mach numbers: Aerodynamik des Eurofighters Typhoon – Wikipedia
The Data in these tables seem to come from this source: Aeronautical Research in Germany: From Lilienthal Until Today - Ernst Heinrich Hirschel, Horst Prem, Gero Madelung - Google Books
According to this the EF retains 95% of its thrust at 70° AoA at Mach 0,5 (the less the AoA the more it retains) and >90% at Mach 2 at 0° AoA but that is all just for the inlet behavior and doesn’t take different heights into account as far as I see.
Interesting construction detail: Instead of movable intake ramps the EF uses boundary layer suction and leads the turbulent sucked air onto the wings producing additional lift at supersonic speeds.
The website mentions a full air to air fit tho
Stop writing nonsense, there are always losses. And for adjustable air intakes, they are about the same, no matter which aircraft the differences are within the margin of error. Losses are associated with air friction on the surface
German Typhoon having brimstone is in line with gaijins policy regarding equipable/usable munitions for the aircraft. What nation they are under does not impact this unless there are balance reasons.
For example, the American F5C has countermeasures, because the aircraft could equip and did equip them, just not in US service.
The German EF-2000 could equip all variants of brimstone, including the dual mode SALH/MMW version. Germany just decided not to purchase or use it. Therefore gaijin says it can have it.
What I’m trying to say is that inled is the X of X,Y,Z in a function that would allow a correct calculation, others are probably classified. If a guy with a calc would be able to evaluate aircraft correctly we wouldn’t have Foxbat/F-15 situation in the past.
Also a couple of words about gaijin not believing european weapon maker statements. You know why they do it? Because they are forced to by how russian military equipment procurement worked and still works to this day (and will be till the end). Make a bs claim and hope they wouldn’t find out, that’s how soviet/russian military works, literally, no exaggeration. Here I would question why are they trying to extrapolate this logic on everyone else.
I’m not talking to you