If Gaijin provides Germany with a typhoon with just 2 AMRAAMS and a Mauser with 6 rounds in it, it will still be an inprovement ;)
Yeah unfortunately we don’t know the parameters in which the typhoon did it outside of it being a full air to air load. I recall seeing fuel tanks being part of a full missile fit somewhere tho. It’s possible typhoon isn’t accelerating to a certain speed before climbing and instead doing the pitch up into climb straight from take off scenario
Question your F-15E climb what parameters did you use to get to 10450m? As in did you accelerate to Mach 1 then manage your angle of climb to maintain a Mach 1 climb or did you zoom climb? Usual testing parameters for time to climb are done by adjusting angle of climb throughout flight to maintain a certain speed so you end the climb at the same speed you started the climb.
I run 5 degrees AOA off runway to 1040kph, then I climb and maintain ~0.91 mach until ~9000 meters where I start pitching down to flat at a consistent rate until I maintain ~10500 meters.
It’s worth noting that it says brakes off to Mach 1.5 35,000 ft in less than 2.5 minutes. It doesn’t specify just how much less than 2.5 minutes.
BAE Systems claim it actually does brakes off to Mach 1.6 36,000 ft in less than 2.5 minutes. Which means 1.5 35,000 ft would probably be reached in quite a bit less than 2.5 minutes.
BAE Systems claim is also repeated in a presentation that the CEO of Eurofighter gave to a conference.
Since Typhoon has a noted lower TWR it’s safe to say it’s likely closer to 2.5 minutes than 2 minutes.
Note the likely.
Also the difference between 36000 feet + 1.6 and 35000 feet + 1.5 is itself not a lot of time.
The largest time sink is zero to climb speed.
It’s also possible that lower-drag causes that difference mentioned to be even less than higher-drag platforms.
Typhoon will be slower in the actual climb, that’s just down to TWR. Even F-18C matches F-16C in the climb portion of the test. F-16C will likely beat F-18C to mach 1.5 though due to lower drag overall.
It’s a tempting test to do, but ultimately we’re waiting for dev server or live drop for in-practice testing.
The first of its kind really since WT will be the first simulator with a very accurate Typhoon flight model.
F-35 would be better placed after MiG-29 or Tornado, no?
Not the mig, but behind the Tornado because we get the F-35 as replacement for the Tornado
Lower? That what
What TWR do you think the EFT has haha
Not ~1.45:1 sea level on full fuel + 8 AIM-120s [F-15E].
Of course, that’s semi-speculative based on the thrust claim of the engines.
Each engine would have to produce 25,564lbf each to have that TWR clean.
are you flying with CFTs?
No. No reason to for that test. Someone was also making a claim without CFTs as well.
well there you have one problem with your testing.
irl they never fly without them as its just not worth it plus you lose access to pods
IRL Typhoons won’t fly without external fuel tanks, but they did a time to climb test without them anyway.
WT players don’t play as real life militaries, so it’s best to use as many tests as possible.
big difference between external fuel tanks and CFTs…
I think the test is valid as it is a common configuration in the game.
You mean the F-15E? Iirc I remember reading an article about some of the F-15Es now flying air defense missions without CFTs.
On top of that, I re-run ALL tests next major update with HOTAS installed for maneuverability related testing if Typhoon is part of the update.
So I keep testing of things currently to a minimum since I’ll be re-doing the time to climb tests of F-15E, JM, etc again anyway.
It’ll also have me refine test methods since mach 1.5 is now a data point for me.
It might be possible that the engines of Typhoon produce in excess of 25,500lbf, or ~27100lbf [8 AAMs] each, I just doubt it for their size. I feel USA would’ve adopted them if they could perform that well.
I haven’t found a source that cites the EJ200 doing that much at this time.
All I know is the competition is primarily F-15C/JM.
I want to know how one of my favorite delta aircraft performs in every test situation.
I have a yearn to learn.
It seems like Typhoon’s internal fuel time with full fuel will be ~32 minutes as a loose estimate. We shall see.
~9 minutes 44 seconds on full AB sea level.