Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

Dual pylons are entirely down to dev choice, as seen with the J-10 and Su-27sm yet plenty more that have the option to carry dual rails and don’t

We have pictures of official brochures and books.

Seems like u need to check again

What your documents confirm is that typhoons can mount dual pylons for IR missiles, allowing for 6x IRIS-T or 6x ASRAAM, however there isnlittle to no proof that those pylons are used in conjunction with 6x AMRAAMs/BVRAAMs, and the devs are none the wiser

My point being that there is no concrete evidence that suggests operational deployment of AMRAAMs on the inner pylons, and working with what we have isn’t going to cut it with gaijin and their suggestion mods so we need to amount more actual evidence for inner pylon AMRAAMs and not focus on the dual pylons

As a result, this is the loadout we are working with, and a slight possibility of more IR missiles:


I really hope it will actually get the GBU-48 instead of being only Air to Air

Here u go prove, u guys are going on my nerves when u dont even checknthe sources and that they arent just from a third party website

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That post literally asks for more sources because his ones WILL NOT be enough to sway gaijin, I am not opposed to the idea, quite the opposite, I am a major advocate for the typhoon to be the best it can be, however the devs will take a LOT of convincing to even model this jet correctly, let alone add missile loadouts that aren’t matched by it’s contemparies. Trying to argue with me is pointless so I suggest you spend your time looking for more sources

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Well we have also gone from ground attack missiles with a 10km range to a 50km range.
These decisions are not made on game balance

Typhoon can have double SRAAM pylons
More likely 6 BVRAAM and 4 SRAAM

Not on the outmost pylon iirc, the dual pylons take the place ofnthe 5th and 6th AMRAAM on the 2nd to last pylons

There isn’t any nations operate over 6 MRAAM + 2 SRAAM IRL.
The number of missiles exceeding this quantity is based solely on technical compatibility or theoretical feasibility. In reality, no country operates them in such a manner, and no operational photos of this configuration could be found.

This is an important reason why Gaijin can rejects it.
We must keep in mind that we are unlikely to receive it.

Lots of conflicting information with this, Early Typhoon tests showed RAF Typhoons with Aim120 on the outer pylons.

It’s whatever Gaijin decide to give if we end up with 6 120s that’s an upgrade over what we have currently

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ITSPL does not, did not and will not carry AMRAAMs. it is strictly for IR missiles

also this should be litening 3 or G4 but oh well. gaijin still hasnt implemented that yet
and neither have they implemented horizon stab


We have two primary sources now

(From a EF datasheet)

(From: Eurofighter Typhoon - Nothing Comes Close)


Have the appropriate sources been allocated into the suggestions or will they have to be bug reported upon release on the DEV

I gave this info to @Gunjob. He knows what to do.


It always shows 6 bvraams. Can its sw actually support more than 6? I dont really see use for 6 IR missiles. I would gladly exchange 4of them for 2 amraams but can typhoons software support amraams both on inner and outer wing pylons?
Theres plenty of planes that can carry certain weapons but are limited in config and ammount due to SW.

6 AMRAAM is still a very good BVR load, but it would be up to Gaijin at the end of the day.

If we are going with the presumption that the eft carries AMRAAMs on the inner pylons then theoretically it could take 8 AMRAAMs and 2 IR missiles disregarding the dual pylons argument

