Error on F18 visuals

What is that white light on the metal part of the afterburner?
It looks like there’s a white light…

Just gaijins bad lighting. A lot of planes have wrong lighting from afterburners

Nobody show this man the tornado

Anyways yeah, what was said above is what happens. Gaijin kinda sucks with lighting of ABs and it happens to most planes.

I play italian Tornado Daily, it’s not that bad

Interior portion the the engines (which your picture is looking away from) looks like someone put LED strips inside them

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Since the update AB flames are not always aligned with the nozels. They move around.

yes exactly. That’s the big problem. I hope they will notice it.

Will they read on this forum?

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They read some, but not the majority of content. I recommend putting in a bug report on it here:

You can put in any image of an afterburner at night and compare it to your screenshots in game to show what is wrong.

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