Error about the full name of ZLT11

After one of the previous versions, the text of the information card of the Chinese ground equipment was updated to the full name, for example, Zhuangjia Tanke Zhuzhan 99, and no longer the abbreviation, ZTZ99.

The text of ZLT11 in the game and on the wiki ,“ZiXing (self-propelled) LunShi (wheeled) Tanke (tank) 11”,is wrong.It does not at all comply with the equipment nomenclature conventions of the PLA

The correct one should be, “Zhuangjia Liangqi Tuji 2011”.means Armored vehicle-amphibious-assault gun-2011

Here’s the reason:

The equipment nomenclature of the PLA has two basic documents,Regulations on the Naming of Weapons and Equipment of the Whole Army, 1987, and Regulations on the Naming of Equipment of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, 2012.(These two documents are not public)

On the basis of these two documents, developed national military standard documents (aka.GJB documents)These documents are easily available online.But only old version

From the above documents, it can be known that the equipment naming framework of the PLA is:ZZZ/X/YYY-123

This is a system of tree directories.

ZZZ stands for the first letter of the Chinese pronunciation of the subsystem name.For example, FDJ stands for engine.In practical applications, it is often omitted.

X stands for each branch of the military, for example, L stands for the Army, H stands for the Navy, and K stands for the Air Force.In practice, the Army’s L is often omitted

YYY-123 stands for specific equipment models, which is specified by each branch of the military itself, GJB documents.

This part is what we see such as the ZTZ-99A.

According to the nomenclature document, The first letter of YYY-123, which stands for equipment category, determines which GJB document is applicable.

For example, Z stands for armored vehicles, which is applicable to the naming rules formulated by the armored forces to determine what the rest represents. P stands for artillery, shown that it applies to the rules set by the artillery units…

So the first letter of ZLT11 cannot be Zixing(self-propelled),It must be Zhuangjia (armored vehicle)

The second letter L and the third letter T, similar to ZLT05, were supposed to be Liangqi (amphibious vehicle) and Tuji (assault gun).

11 is an abbreviation for 2011.

ZLT11 naming confusion:

Before 2012, the code name that generally appeared on the Chinese Internet was ZTL11. Netizens understand it as:Zhuangjia (armored vehicle) Tanke (tank) Lunshi (wheeled),This is really wrong, because there is no concept of wheeled tanks in the system of the PLA. The GJB document for armored vehicles based on the 1987 rules states that under the Tanke classification, L stands for Liangqi (amphibious).

Later, it was determined from the official display board that its official name was ZLT11. But under the 1987 system, the second letter of the classification of armored vehicles did not have an L.

So, I guess the biggest possibility is that under the 1987 system, it was indeed ZTL11, although people misunderstood his third letter.

The 2012 system is based on the 1987 version, but the amphibious vehicle is listed separately under the second letter. It was used to give a name to specialized amphibious assault guns. So under the new rules, the code name of this car was reclassified as ZLT11. In addition to the ZLT11, there is also the ZLT05. There has never been a ZLT before. They are not IFVs or tanks that have the function of floating. They are designed specifically for direct fire in landing operations. ……Yes, we must liberate Taiwan.

ZLT05 can also prove this, Before 2012, there was never the code name ZLT05, and at that time, on the Chinese Internet, the code name circulated on the Internet was ZTD05, and the Chinese name was the Type 05 amphibious assault gun. You call it a tank, it doesn’t seem appropriate. Called assault guns, T is already occupied by tanks. I guess that’s why the rules were revised in 2012. Clearly, the 1987 rules need to be adapted to the new era.

But in any case, now the text of the game is absolutely wrong, it does not follow any rules.

By the way:I don’t understand why Gaijin changed to the way now it is, The previous abbreviation form was good, concise and clear.Changing to the full name is thankless and error-prone.

The first reason is that the new version of the naming convention is still largely following the old rules, but it is not public.The new version of the GJB documents based on it are also not public. You can’t prove yourself right.

The current full name is actually still wrong, for example, ZTZ99A, the first Z, in fact, is not Zhuangjia (armor) but should be Zhuangjia cheliang (armored vehicle).

ZLT11,the third letter T, strictly speaking, should be Tujipao (assault gun), not Tuji (assault)

The number in the full name should be the full year, 1999 and not still take the abbreviation 99.

See? That’s why it’s a waste of effort and unflattering.

In fact, the naming convention of the PLA is a bit like the German tanks of World War II, such as the Pz.Kpwf.IV. Abbreviated names in cards are nice, so why show what each letter represents? This seems stupid.

GJB-4528-2002 -Standard nomenclature details of armoured vehicles

GJB-5373-2005 -Specification for nomenclature and code number of naval gun mounting

Error about the full name of ZLT11 // // Issues


Yes,Gaijin not only used outdated classification names, but also cleverly expanded them to incorrect names.


But in reality,taking ZTZ99A as an example:

Complete Name (containing the code name):ZTZ1999年式A型主战坦克(第五机械部装甲项目编号1001)
=ZTZ1999 type A Main Battle Tank(the Fifth Mechanical Department/Armored Vehicle Project 1001)

After simplification:ZTZ99A式主战坦克(WZ1001)
=ZTZ99A Main Battle Tank(WZ1001)

Further simplify:99A主战坦克
=Type 99A MBT

The complete name should consist of (classification abbreviation/year code/complete classification name).
The classification abbreviation(ZTZ/ZTS/ZLT…) is actually only used for quick classification,quickly distinguish what type of vehicle it is from Chinese Pinyin.
That’s right, ZTZ is indeed composed of Zhuangjia-Tanke-Zhuzhan. But the actual written materials will only be called ZTZ instead of '装甲-坦克-主战‘.

As OP said, the naming convention is very similar to that of German vehicles:
Pz.IV ≈ 99式 (Type 99)
Pz.Kpwf.IV ≈ ZTZ99
Panzerkampfwagen IV ≈ ZTZ1999年式主战坦克(ZTZ1999 Main Battle Tank)
OP has provided a complete naming convention and simplified naming standards,I hope gaijin can consider changing the inaccurate names in CN TT.


There’s a lot of vehicles, modules or ammunition with wrong names. E.g. when you change the game’s language from English to Russian the 30mm APFSDS-T round on the BMP-2M gets a specified name instead of the generic “APFSDS”.

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In fact, the 2003 version of the GJB document formulated according to the 1987 rules indicates that the third letter of ZTZ is not Zhuzhan (main battle), but Zhongxing (medium-sized)