Environmental Heat Haze

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We have heat haze from engines, fires, firing guns, and radiators but we lack actual heat haze from the heat being generated from the terrain. This could also effect tank/ aircraft too depending on the map and air temperature as the temperature would also impact their chassis and other parts which would help portray how hot the environment is. If performance was a worry it could be added as an advanced/ variable setting on top of the normal heat haze as I imagine this would impact performance a little bit.

It is very noticeable on desert maps when you are looking at targets from far away and it is as if there is no heat at all in the middle of a desert and all targets are clear and crisp not being distorted at all. Most of the environmental haze in the game is just normal cloud haze which acts as a very soft fog. Adding in terrain heat haze would also help make cinematics just that more better and more realistic as it adds to the environmental storytelling and imperfections that reality can create with varying temperatures from the freezing cold to boiling hot

what is needed


That would be so sick and immersive, +1 from me!

as long as it’s a graphical toggle, sure.

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I wanted to make similar suggestion!
It will look cool!

This is how far environment looks thru heat haze from Il-28 engines:


nah, I don’t want people to have a gameplay advantage by changing graphic settings

They already have this ability

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yes, so don’t make it even worse, but better

not everyone can run this. Many people play on the lowest graphic settings.

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people having an advantage is sadly something that will just happen. if this were the case all the current settings would be forced instead of being optional but the game needs to be able to be support on as many platforms as possible including potatoes. so no matter how good you want the game to be some people will just have to run it looking worse and you WILL get the try hards that run min settings. this happens in many games and is just sadly something you have to come to terms with.

smart idea using the exhaust to portray the idea.
just did some using the A-10s exhaust cause it pumps out a lot of haze

Best examples

and a bit of an extreme one

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