Enhancing the M18 Hellcat: Introducing Smoke Grenade Launchers


The M18 Hellcat, one of War Thunder’s iconic tank destroyers, is renowned for its speed and firepower. Its 76mm gun and incredible mobility make it a formidable opponent on the battlefield. However, like its real-world counterpart, the M18 in War Thunder lacks some of the features that could significantly enhance its survivability—particularly, dedicated smoke grenade launchers.

Why Smoke Grenade Launchers?

In World War II, the M18 Hellcat was sometimes equipped with smoke grenade dischargers, although not as standard as on some other vehicles like the M24 Chaffee. Smoke grenade launchers provide an invaluable tactical advantage by allowing players to quickly deploy a smoke screen, obscuring the enemy’s vision and providing cover for repositioning or retreat. This feature is particularly crucial for lightly armored vehicles like the M18, which relies heavily on speed and maneuverability rather than armor.

Historical Context

While the M18 Hellcat did not have turret-mounted smoke grenade launchers like the M24 Chaffee, it could still deploy smoke screens through other means. In-game, this could be implemented by adding a secondary smoke grenade launcher system to the M18, similar to those found on other vehicles of the era. This would not only make the vehicle more historically accurate but also add a new layer of tactical depth to gameplay.

Gameplay Impact

Adding smoke grenade launchers to the M18 Hellcat would enhance its role as a hit-and-run tank destroyer. Players could use the smoke to mask their retreat after taking a shot or to cover their advance into a more advantageous position. The smoke would also help mitigate the Hellcat’s vulnerability to aircraft and enemy tanks with superior firepower or faster reload times.

Balancing Considerations

Of course, balance is always a concern when introducing new features. To maintain fairness, the smoke grenade launchers could have a limited number of uses, perhaps 2-3 discharges per battle. Additionally, the smoke could have a relatively short duration, forcing players to use it strategically rather than as a constant defense mechanism.


The addition of smoke grenade launchers to the M18 Hellcat in War Thunder would not only make the vehicle more historically accurate but also enhance its tactical options on the battlefield. This small yet significant change could provide players with new ways to outmaneuver their opponents and contribute to more dynamic and engaging gameplay.

What are your thoughts on this suggestion? Would you like to see smoke grenade launchers added to the M18 Hellcat in War Thunder? Let us know in the comments below!

add a poll, but yes

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I feel like this was wrote by chat gpt.


1- Prove it.
2- 6.3 M18 go brrrrr.

Are there any images of this or proof? I’m fine with it if there is.

I’d also like a roof cover modification as well.

the proof is that I chucked a smoke grenade out the open top of the tank (lol) :p

  1. Written by chatgpt
  2. Unless u count the M50 smoke nades carried by the crew, the hellcat doesn’t really have any smoke discharger
  3. Sources?

Make the commander throw a smoke grenade in direction camera is facing

imagine it has no animation and you just see it arc from the commanders head

1 Like

It was 100%

Commander giving some of that hawk tuah!

That’s so skibidi toilet

Imagine they make him yell: YEET IN THE HOLE! (in a serious tone)

Thsi was written by chatgpt

i ain’t reading all that