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With the recent addition of the BeNeLux subtree to France a new door is open, and as a way to represent Belgium more in game I come to suggest the emblem of the I Belgian Corps.

Also known as the 1er Corps d’Armée Belge it participated in both World Wars and in the Cold War. During WW2 it held defensive positions in Liège but was forced to retreat around the Fort Ében-Émael.
After the war it was reorganized and served as a occupation Army of Germany and then integrated within NATO’s NORTHAG elements. At the height of the Cold War the 16é Pantserdivisie was the jewel of the crown of the 1st Belgian Corps, mainly composed by the 4de Pantserinfanteriebrigade (at Soest), 17ème Brigade Blindée (deployed at Siegen) and the 10e Pantserinfanteriebrigade (reserve, located in Limbourg). The main equipment of these units were Leopard 1BEs, AIFVs, Scorpions and Scimitars.
As the Cold War came to an end Belgium began a process of staged withdrawal from Germany known as “Reforbel”, with the last Belgian barracks (Troisdorf-Spich) being shut on the 31st of August 2004.
It’s a heater-shaped shield painted crimson, with the head of a golden roaring lion in the middle (which was common to practically all Belgian military emblems at the time). While the official emblem of the 1st BE Corps was the plain shield with the lion’s head, it appears that a white boarding around the crimson shield was painted when this emblem was displayed on vehicles in order to make it more visible.