ELVO Kentaurus – The ASCOD IFV's Greek cousin

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TL;DR: Domestic Greek IFV armed with a 30mm Mauser autocannon

In 1958, the first prototype of the Austrian Saurer 4K 4FA armoured personnel carrier was produced by Österreichische Saurerwerke AG. 445 vehicles in total were delivered to the Austrian Army, with production ceasing in 1969. In 1977, production began of an upgraded version, called the 4K 7FA G 127, now by Steyr-Daimler-Puch AG. This was up-armoured, and powered by a better engine and transmission, also used in the Austrian SK-105 Kürassier.

Greece acquired the license for the 4K 7FA, and in 1982, the first vehicle left the production line, named Leonidas-1. 100 vehicles were constructed, and they saw service in both the Greek and Cypriot Army. In 1987, orders were placed for an upgraded version, called the Leonidas-2. The Leonidas-2 had a number of upgrades, like a new engine (additional 130hp), better armour, and internal systems. Around 700-800 were produced, and once again saw service in Greece and Cyprus.

  • Leonidas-2s

While initially, proposals began for a further development named Leonidas-3, these were shelved in favour of importing former East German BMP-1s, called the BMP-1A1 Ost. 501 of them were purchased, and they entered service in 1994. Therefore, development began of a new vehicle to work alongside the BMP-1s.The ‘Alexandros’ IFV was proposed by the combined effort of ASCOD (Austrian Spanish Cooperation Development; Steyr-Daimler-Puch and Santa Bárbara) and the Greek ELVO (formerly Steyr-Hellas). After a change in the Greek government and after realising the Alexandros would be too expensive for Greece, ELVO dropped out, leaving ASCOD to develop what would become the Ulan/Pizarro IFV family.


  • ASCOD Pizarro

ELVO had begun construction of a prototype in 1997, and it was officially unveiled in 1998, under the name Kentauros (Κένταυρος, meaning Centaur). In late 1999, it was flown to Germany to be fitted and tested with a one-man turret designed by the German company KUKA, designated the E8 (or E-8). It then underwent testing in Greece in early 2000. Testing was a success, with an agreement for the production of 140 vehicles signed in 2003. However, production never happened, primarily for monetary reasons. Instead, an order for 420 BMP-3 from the Soviet Union was placed in 2007, but this fell flat after the economic crisis that began in 2009, and the order was officially cancelled in 2011.


  • Kentaurus prototype


The Kentaurus has a one-man E-8 turret developed by KUKA. This houses a fully-stabilised German 30mm Mauser MK 30F, produced domestically in Greece. It has a rate of fire of 800 rpm. The cannon fires standard 30x173mm (STANAG 46244) ammunition – Greece displayed it with APDS-T, HE-I and SAPHE-I rounds, which are already manufactured in the country. APFSDS rounds are compatible only with the MK 30-2 variant, meaning they are not available for the Kentaurus. 200 rounds are stored in the turret ready-to-fire, and another 196 in the hull, for a total of 396 rounds. The Kentaurus has a coaxial 7.62mm MG3A1, with 400 rounds ready-to-fire, and another 1,200 stored in the vehicle. The turret can optionally be fitted with a 12.7mm HMG or 40mm AGL instead, but these were not fitted nor planned for the vehicle. ATGM and MANPAD provisions are also available but similarly, were not fitted or planned.

  • Ammunition showcased

Eight 76mm GRL 76-8 smoke grenade launchers are fitted around the turret, in four pairs of two. The turret has a rotation speed of 30°/second, and the cannon also has an elevation speed of 30°/second, and is able to elevate +45°/-10°. The STN Atlas ‘Toxotis’ FCS consists of an electro-optical sensor, a control unit, and a display screen. The sensor is located on the front right of the turret, and sends the images to the display screen. It has a 2nd generation thermal sight (8-12 μm) and a laser rangefinder. The driver has an STN Atlas ODS thermal sight, and a CCD day camera, and a Helio 2100 Mk29 periscope.


  • KUKA E-8

The Kentaurus is fairly well-armoured for an IFV. The frontal hull can withstand hits from up to 30mm projectiles, with safety distances of 1,500m for 30mm APDS, 400m for 25x137mm APDS, and 30m for 20x139mm APDS. Against SAPHEI rounds, the safety distances are 200m (30x173), 100m (25x137) and 30m (20x139). The vehicle is frontally impervious to 12.7mm at any range, and fully impervious at 100m and further. The vehicle is fully protected from 7.62mm rounds at all ranges and angles. The turret is similarly armoured. MEXAS armour was considered possible to apply to the hull, but it never went further than considerations. The hull also has internal spall liners to protect the crew further.

The Kentaurus has an MTU 6V 183 TE 22 V90 diesel engine, which has a maximum power output of 309kw (420hp) at 2300 RPM. It uses a ZF LSG 1000 automatic transmission, and a RENK SU 1201 C final drive. The Kentaurus has a maximum combat weight of 19.8t, and a top speed of 75km/h (42km/h on road).

  • Kentaurus during testing in Greece

The Kentaurus is a strong Greek IFV that would be a good fit in-game, as an analogue to vehicles like the CV9030FIN, albeit without APFSDS rounds. It would fit around a BR of 8.3-8.7, with a fully stabilised 30mm cannon firing APDS rounds, thermals, a laser rangefinder, and great mobility. It would fit best in a future Iberian tree in a Greek sub-tree, although may also work in a future Alpine (Swiss-Austrian) tree, or the currently in-game Italian or German trees.


  • 30mm MK 30F
    • Two-plane stabilised
    • 800 RPM, 396 rounds
    • Ammunition:
      • APDS
        • 87mm at 0° at 10m
      • SAPHE-I
      • HE-I
  • 7.62mm MG3A1
    • 1,600 rounds
  • Vertical guidance
    • +45°/-10°
    • 30°/second
  • Turret rotation speed
    • 30°/second
  • Laser rangefinder
  • Gen. 2 thermals (8-12 μm)


  • Specifics unknown; resists 30mm, 25mm and 20mm APDS from 1500m, 400m and 30m respectively. Completely impervious to 7.62mm from 0m and 12.7mm rounds from 100m (other than the front, resistant at 0m).


  • Speed
    • 75km/h off-road
    • 42km/h on-road
  • Weight
    • 19.8t
  • Engine power
    • 420hp, ~21.2hp/t


  • Crew
    • 3 – Commander, gunner, driver
  • Smoke grenades
    • 8x total, 2 sets of 4






ΠΤΗΣΗ 'Αρθρο Τεύχους

» ΚΕΝΤΑΥΡΟΣ» Ένα Ελληνικό τεθωρακισμένο όχημα που »χάθηκε στο …Πήλιο » ! (video) | Greek National Pride

Greek ELBO Kentaurus Tracked Infantry Fighting Vehicle



Army Guide – Leonidas-1/2

Army Guide – 4K 7FA

https://www.forecastinternational.com/archive/disp_old_pdf.cfm?ARC_ID=1444 – MK 30F used on Greek/German Artemis 30 anti-aircraft system


Looks cool! Would love to get some more Greek representation in the game. +1