Electronic warfare system for aircraft survival, ECM type for example

Greetings community, my question is simple; When are they going to incorporate electronic defense capabilities into generation 4.5 and 4.0 aircraft, even in a basic way without incurring violations of military secrets? This type of information can be found anywhere on the web such as Wikipedia or on any website, Assuming the game actually delivers the kind of realism that sets Warthunder apart from other games. thank you.

nobody except gaijin knows, hopefully soon because theres alot of aircraft that would benefit from it (tornado f.3 my beloved)
allegedly there was some SEAD mode leaked aswell as gaijin saying that they would consider multiple unit SAM’s so I imagine we could get some sort of ECM there

I’m hoping it’s the main new mechanic for aircraft of 2025, it would be a really good addition, it’s just getting it’s functionality modeled in a fair way I think is the key

For ARB at least. You can fire a Fox 3 at 7 km’s and somehow it manages to miss. How even maintains this things? Santa’s Elves? They replaced the front radar with Rudolf?

I don’t know if ECMs are such a good idea for the game, IRL these technologies have many advantages but also disadvantages: when you activate your ECMs, any enemy knows that there is a plane in your area, he can’t lock you but he knows full well that you are there, the activation of ECMs is therefore limited for the sake of discretion.

But in the game discretion does not exist (except at the limit in simulator mode), everyone will just activate their ECMs at the start of the game and no radar missile fire will be possible, having 16 planes on each side jamming the area with all their might will just make the game unplayable, we will find ourselves in the same situation as 1 year ago, in the end everyone will dogfight in the center of the map and fire IR missiles.

I’m not against the addition, but it would probably be necessary to study the advantages and disadvantages of this mechanism (a test like for the addition of the Fox-3 would be welcome)

Personally I think the best way to add ECMs into the game would be to make them unique to certain aircraft, I’m talking about aircraft that are dedicated to this role like for example the Tornado ECR, the EA-6B, the EA-18G or the Su-24MP, it would give an important role to aircraft that are usually relegated to bombing or support roles

I partially agree with you, but then how does Gaijin plan to introduce advanced aircraft when they already have advanced electronic technologies in real life? So, the realistic battle section is not as realistic as Gaijin claims, and I would say more, Gaijin is going to have to reformulate War Thunder because none of that makes sense; they introduce the EF 2000, the Su-33 and Su-34, and they are as easy to shoot down as if they were a biplane,

As I said before, unless they introduce some kind of electronic warfare device, even in its most basic form for these levels, it’s better to stay in rank VII. Because spending money and time on aircraft that are 4.5 generation in real life, and Gaijin places them as if they were 3rd generation, doesn’t make sense to me.

Do the people at War Thunder take note of what is discussed here on this page? Or are we just wasting our time talking nonsense?

The problem with these “advanced aircraft” is that most of the information about them is classified, we are reaching a point where the aircraft added to the game will no longer be exactly realistic (The Rafale and the Eurofighter are the two best examples, there is data that is impossible to have).

In my opinion (this only concerns me of course), the game should have stopped at 3rd generation aircraft or the first 4th generation aircraft, wanting to add more and more technology to the game is a mistake in my opinion, having a functional game should be a priority.

Regarding realism, to my great regret, the game has completely lost its credibility, weapons are added to planes that cannot carry them, the reload times of the cannons are used for balancing… I think that the “realistic” part of the game is doomed to disappear.

I agree, it doesn’t make much sense, however ECM is not only for these planes, the Mig-21 for example has ECM since 10.7, the first Mirage 2000 and Tornado too. Adding this mechanic would require reviewing the Br system for the last 3 ranks, some planes becoming extremely powerful at lower Br.

I don’t think our discussion matters that much for decisions like this, adding a mechanic of this magnitude has probably already been discussed and decided.

Sounds like a skill issue to me.

You probably fired at a target close to if not already in a notch position. If you anticipate a fox 3 shot, you can quite reliably defeat it even under 5ks out.

Idk man. Bro was in a Su-27 flying straight towards me at like 1000 meters above me, 7 km’s out when i fired. Blud just turned and the amraam went for nothing. Not even chaff

Did you see in tacview if the flanker dropped chaff or not?

There was no chaff at all. I looked at it when i had the replay

Without knowing any other variables, it’s likely that the seeker was either guiding onto a phantom contact, simply going on IOG or tacview didn’t show the chaff drop.