EC-665 Tiger UHT leans left

Firstly, I’ve tried searching for related topics but I could not find anything.

I have recently unlocked the EC-665 Tiger UHT for the German Heli tech tree and I haven’t researched any upgrades to the vehicle performance yet. I have played several matches with this helicopter and I have noticed the helicopter always wants to lean to the left. It’s not that big of a deal but when trying to fly in a straight line is a bit tedious as it always wants to lean to the left.

Since I don’t have any of the upgrades unlocked, I am unaware if this wouldn’t be a thing when it’s upgraded. However, I haven’t experienced this lean with any other helicopter in the German tech tree. I’m also not sure if this is a bug or an intentional thing for this helicopter. I am also uploading a screenshot of the helicopter in “hover” mode and you can see the helicopter hovers while leaning to the right to compensate for this.

Just curious if this is a bug, an intentional thing or once upgraded, it’ll stop. It’s a bit annoying.

ec-665 tiger uht.PNG