Hi all.
Not sure where to put this but after looking and playing the EBR, there appears to be some innacuraces?
For starters, the EBR is supposed to be "Excellent cross country scout vehicle. - I beg to differ.
- Grip is aweful / Traction is extremely bad on any form of hill.
- Acceleration is extremely painful on anything but dry road (even then uggg)
- Max speed is105Kmh - Not a chance, this tank has clearly been nerfed to become so underpowered that it can barely make it.
- AND THE BIGGEST - Why on earth is it at 5.3 with Armor pen max of 104mm!!! when the equivilant AMX-13 has Exactly the same Turret and Gun, better armor and is ONLY 4.3! So does that mean JUST because its apparently “Faster” that warrants the extra 1 br!! I DONT THINK SO!!
I don’t know why wheeled vehicles are/have been reduced to barely any advantage speed/traction wise compared to a tank but all too often, tanks overtake this vehicle on any form of bumpy/uneven surfaces.
Your thoughts?
Eight-wheeler = Reference
Unlike the AMX-13 is goes it has the same speed in reverse as forward.
Not only is it faster but it’s more mobile. You’re faster in and faster out.
It’s true. Pretty much impossible to come even close to max speed on most maps.
Poland off-road
Poland on-road (lol)
Holland through City
Holland through Canal
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True - but does that really justify +1 br? The Puma sdk is the same speed wise with same pen rating, so should that be 5.3? Probably not, Puma up against Tigers mwahahahahahaha same with the EBR.
That specific ebr 4.0-4.3 Max imo.
It’s fine at 5.3. It can easily take out medium tanks and even Tigers from the side with superior moblity.
The Puma’s 50mm is simply worse as it deals less post-pen damage, it’s less survivable and lacks the fast turret traverse speed of the EBR.
The T14 and KV-1 ZIS-5 are both 4.7 because of their armor while the EBR can engage targets from the side, thus the lower penetration isn’t much of an issue and it can effectively kill vehicles in at higher BRs.
The PT-76, for example, has a stabilizer and HEAT-FS, which it needs since it lacks the mobility to make effective use of its APHE round at 5.3.
Could go to 5.0 easily. Its just your average overtiered French vehicle.
I got a nuke in it once so that means it gets moved up to 6.7 with the 1954 EBR. Just get used to playing overtiered vehicles with France. I main the french tt and I gave up a long time ago. The Char 25t at 8.0? Yeah sure gaijin.
Honestly i have a good KD in it. Its stock grind is hell thats a fact but i think it Honestly does better in full uptiers and in general higher BR’s since i get bigger maps where i can use my speed more effectively. I think its overtiered but i think it suffers from being too mobile and having too small of maps.
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