Earn the PLZ 83-130 in the Inferno Cannon Event!

faster reload? higher velocity? the 2s1 fires 122mm and pen 51mm, so maybe this have 54mm pen with a faster reload, making it a sidegrade/upgrade of the regular one. It may well be a similar br, or even lower and focusing exclusively on ground targets where the plz83 has he-vt for air targets.

Glad that you reduce the points to get it !

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Sure, I guess.

That doesn’t make for a particularly exciting vehicle though.

And also, have you considered the following:

Big boom = big neuron activation

Less boom = smaller neuron activation


Glad I can skip it.
Also if a rank V is 35k, which is the lowest possible, it also means they’ll ask you 35k for a rank l.


I personally try to do them so I can sell them on the marketplace

Ground is not my jam. So if I even consider doing the ground grind, then it has to be something id actually want. Naval, maybe, but probably not. But as an Air main, I may do that for aircraft I dont want to keep. Though generally I hate grinding the events or BP

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i am myself a m109 (stubby version, much cuter) enjoyer. So yeah i know what you mean, and there’s nothing like a big airboom for neuron activation.

Ohhh yeah I see !

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This is a step (and more to hopefully come) in the right direction. Event vehicles shouldn’t be totally original thing as that takes away from the tech tree.

I will be grabbing this little thing, because


noice, that makes it a very interesting vehicle that unfortunately should have been in the tree then.

@Stona_WT think you’re misunderstanding what I’m asking, and think I’m just asking a low effort question, when its actually genuine. I’m aware its not a ‘Chinese event’, | just used it as a generic name instead of writing PLZ 83-130 in the Infemo Cannon Event. My main question what does USMC decal have to do with the PLZ 83-130? For example, the previous SMS Baden event all cosmetics made sense and were related to the boat. Jaguar IS event all the decals made sense and were related besides the avatar, which can be understood being unique and doesn’t have to be related. I understand you receive a lot of dumb comments from people, and I understand why you would’ve assumed I was the same, but I think this is a justified question to ask. There’s no context or explanation, so it’s just random. Because if that’s how is why now a change?


Probably just a decal that they were waiting to get into the game

You could say this event is “tank destroyer” themed, so the USMC missileman patch fits right in.

That would be a terrible excuse that they’re resorting to just randomly using unused assets only after 3 events instead of making something unique and special to fit the event to market it. There’s absolutely no transparency anymore with this game it seems like from Development to Community.

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It should have both HE-VT and APCBC.

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Id guess to make the event more appealing to more players.

For example. If you dont want to grind it all the way to be able to sell it after the event and it was for a nation you dont play. Then you could just ignore the event entirely.

But if there now a decal/profile picture/cosmetic that you may want, that is for an entirely different nation, a nation that you do play/are from. Then now you have a reason to grind out at least part of the event and maybe buy some GEs to help get there

You’re reading too much into it, it’s simply a tank destroyer themed event.

The PLZ 83-130 is a tank destroyer.

The ATGM 3D decorator is a device that destroys… you guessed it… tanks.

The “born to hunt” decal shows a crosshair over an armored vehicle. A hunter… of tanks.

The missileman patch is from a unit that also destroys tanks.

The theme is very deliberate, I don’t see the problem.


This looks nice, high pen aphe and relatively high velocity he-vt.

I’d agree and assume that if the last 2 weren’t generic cosmetics. Obj 292 yes would align with that just using generic items. But even then, it’s an Artillery piece, and not a tank destroyer, a howitzer and is illustrated in the devblog doing an artillery barrage not tank destroying its just as much as an AA as it is a Tank destroyer in the current state of War Thunder, so I can’t accept that either.

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