Early Access for the French Coastal Fleet: The VLT-2!

Quoi? Explain that to me, with it being a historical flag used by the Free French naval forces? There being a few technicalities is still stupid to argue for such a thing.

As a pre-order bonus, try buying this after the fact.


At last! The French Coastal Fleet! I was worried we weren’t getting it considering how long it’s been since the French Bluewater Fleet was added, and IIRC, the other nations had received their Coastal & Bluewater Fleets simultaneously.

Either way, I’m really happy this is still happening. Well done, Gaijin. 🫡

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Name me historical flags that are restricted behind paywall

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The only other two ones I know that were behind a paywall and only temporarily available are these:

Both weren’t a Nation’s flag during a major conflict, but are flags of subdivisions in a country.

@AlvisWisla This is the first time for naval that a historical flag specifically for a country’s navy is locked behind a paywall and temporarily available.