Dutch CV9035 NL MLU

The DK should become 9.3 really, if it doesn’t get its add-on armour.

Add on armor doesnt make up for the missing DAS and irst. Additionally that would require gaijin to put the 9030 down in BR as it stands its one of the weakest IFV’s in the game. I will take my Type 87 RCV over that hunk of trash any day of the week.

most no missile ,only autocannon ifvs need to have lower battle ratings anyway

Please add [dev] as it is a dev server vehicle, otherwise they won’t look at it!

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LWS is in btw

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There is now a specific dev thread for the CV9035NL:

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Indeed LWS is in andn the KETF has been forwarded and acknowledged. Now we can only wait

Don’t we already have something like this?

Do you mean the KF41 in Hungary? There is no CV90 in game right now with spikes.

The Danish CV9035DK

The Danish one is indeed very similar to the Squadron Vehicle CV9035NL from the dev server, but lacks some capabilities compared to the Dutch one.

If you want to talk about the dev server CV9035NL it might be better to talk here: CV9035NL dev thread, then there will be hopefully less confusion.

The CV9035NL MLU is however a complete different beast. Hard kill APS, Missiles, ABM, LWR, sofft kill APS, external MG’s, etc. just read the suggestion post fully. All is explained in there.

Will make probably make more posts about the LWR for the Danish one and the regular CV9040’s now that its confirmed the Dutch gets it. Easily distinguished on almost every CV90 IFV procured and operational after 2004 atleast when looking at pictures online and scrolling through the documents.
Same should go for the KETF where there also is videos showcasing it being used for target practise amongst other.

Do you know if the LWS came in the first batch of the CV9035DK?
Same for the KETF, as that munition was only a year or so after the introduction of the CV9035NL in the case of the Dutch (and why they used FAPDS-T in the first months, but as such always had a ABM-capable vehicle in the armoured inventory).

Currently most bug reports on the CV9035DK lack good secondary and primary sources (especially a lack of official dates of supplies, government papers from structures like the Danish parliament, etc. focussing almost solely on free press publications or third party websites).

Its pretty unlikely, as per usual with IFV on sweden most documents are denied or ignored. The layout of the spall liner is still incorrect as it should cover the drivers port or the fact that the LVKV 9040C was tested with IRST, same with the LVKV 9040B. Though gaijin would rather ignore it exists.

Lvkv 9040B doesn’t exist, I’m guessing you mean the Strf 9040B?


Meant to say the A. Most people dont actually know about swedish IFV’s especially the LVKV family which is two vehicles.

3 (6*)
Lvkv 9040A
Lvkv 9040C
Lvkv 9040D
CV90 Chamelion *
Lvkv 90 TD *
Lvkv 90 TD 2 *

I am not sure if the LWS came with the first batch, they have it now tho and has been utilizing it for more than a decade from my understanding but looking at the specification and pictures from 2004 i dont think the first ones came with LWS but the DAS was implemented from start. As every CV they also have the capability to fire ABM such as KETF.



  • for France, to be foldered with a tech tree variant of the VBCI

Interesting suggestion! Thank you for your feedback