Dutch Crew voicelines for Ground forces
- Yes
- No
I’d like to make a suggestion for the addition of Dutch voicelines for the crews of ground vehicles.
As Dutch ground vehicles have been added and other subtree nations have already had their voicelines in their language I would think it would be fair if the Dutch would also get voicelines in our language. (Though I am Dutch so I am slightly biased.)
A mention has to be made for our southern neighbours, the Belgians. As Flemish isn’t just an accent to Dutch. They have a different pronunciation to us in the Netherlands. But it is more than that, they sometimes have different words for things and even different sentence structures in rare occasions. So for any future planned Belgian vehicles, please take this into account.
And a special thanks to members of the Fan-made BeNeLux techtree Discord server for helping me with the translations and providing sources.
I have tried to make a basic overview of the most common used words by crews in War Thunder and translated them. Some of these will be literal translation as I don’t know much terminology used by the tankers operating our tanks.
Basic naming convention
Crew positions. → Bemanning, posities.
Commander → Commandant
Loader → Lader
Driver → Bestuurder
Gunner → Schutter
Machinegunner → Machinegeweer schutter, mitrailleur schutter
Loader, ready. → Lader, klaar/gereed.
(Switch out ‘lader’ for any of the other crew members.)
Gun is loaded! → Kanon geladen!; Geschut geladen!
Fire! → Vuur!
Load … (shell type). → Laad … (granaat type).
(Shell type) … loaded. → (granaat type) … geladen.
Shell types → granaat type
AP(HE) → pantser(doorborend)
APFSDS → “Super”, KE (Kinetic Energy), literal translation is Pijl(granaat) (Used by Leopard 2 crews.)
HE → Brisant
HEAT(-FS) → Holle lading, Brisant, MZ (MehrZweck) (The naming scheme changes from tank variant to variant. MZ in Leopard 2 tanks for example.)
HESH → Brisant. (This term is used in the manual for the Leopard 1.)
Shrapnel → Splinter
Smoke → Rook
Anti tank guided missile → Anti tank raket
Load AP(HE). → Laad pantsergranaat; Laad pantser.
Crew injured/hurt
Wounded → gewond
Hit → geraakt
Unconscious → bewusteloos
Some examples below:
The commander has been wounded. → De commandant is gewond.
The commander has been hit. → De commandant is geraakt.
The commander is unconscious. → De commandant is bewusteloos / De commandant is buiten bewustzijn.
The commander is dead. → De commandant is dood/overleden.
(Switch out ‘commandant’ for any of the other crew members.)
Vehicle damaged or hit
We’re on fire! →
- We staan in de fik!
- Brand!
Fire in the engine compartment. →
- Vuur in de motorruimte.
- Brand in de motorruimte.
- De motorruimte staat in de fik.
We’re hit! → We zijn geraakt!
We have been damaged. → We zijn beschadigd.
The enemy has pierced our tank! → De vijand heeft onze tank doorboord.
The engine compartment has been damaged, the engine has been destroyed. → De motorruimte is beschadigd, de motor is vernietigd/kapot.
We can’t move, the engine is dead. → We kunnen niet bewegen, de motor is dood.
The engine has failed! → De motor is ermee gestopt!
The gearbox has been damaged, we can’t move. → De versnellingsbak is beschadigd, we kunnen niet bewegen.
The right/left track has been destroyed. → De rechter/linker rups(band) is vernietigd/kapot.
The radiator has been damaged. → De radiator is beschadigd.
Enemy fire from … → Vijandig vuur van …
- the right → rechts
- the left → links
- the front → voor
- behind → achter
Commands for loader/gunner
The gun has been loaded, ready to fire! →
- Het kanon is geladen, klaar om te vuren!
- Het kanon is geladen, vuur vrij!
Loading machinegun. → Machinegeweer/mitrailleur aan het laden.
The cannon is jammed. → Het kanon is geblokkeerd.
The cannon breech has been damaged. → De achterlader is beschadigd.
The barrel has been damaged. → De schietbuis/loop is beschadigd.
Commands for commander
Target has been destroyed! → Doelwit vernietigd!
Next target, the enemy has been destroyed! → Volgend doelwit, de vijand is vernietigd!
We missed. → We hebben gemist.
Enemy neutralized. → Vijand uitgeschakeld.
The enemy is on fire! → De vijand staat in de fik!
The enemy has been damaged. → De vijand is beschadigd.
Ricochet! → Ricochet!
Elevate the cannon. → Kanon omhoog.
Lower the cannon. → Kanon omlaag.
Commands for the gunner/radio operator
Enemy spotted (grid square C2). → Vijand gezien/gespot/geobserveerd, (vak C2). 2 is spelled twee.
Enemy tank has been spotted! → Vijandelijke tank gezien/gespot.
Tank, two (2) O’clock, range, … → Tank, twee (2) uur, afstand, …
- Near → Dichtbij
- Eight hundred (800) meter → Acht honderd (800) meter
Enemy SPAA has been spotted! → Vijandelijke luchtafweergeschut gezien/gespot.
Plane has been spotted! →
- Vliegtuig gezien/gespot.
- Vliegtuig!
- Straaljager! (for jet aircraft)
Helicopter spotted, two four two (242). → Helicopter gezien, twee vier twee (242).
Enemy artillery on our location! → Vijandige artillerie op onze locatie!
Manual Shooting technique for the Leopard 2
Manuel for the gunner/loader of the Leopard 1
A video about practicing tank operations from the Youtube channel of the Nederlands Koninklijke Landmacht (Dutch Royal Army) (Timestamp 11:22)
A video about the naming of different shell types although it is a little outdated. From the Youtube channel of the nederlandse Ministerie van Defensie