Dutch and Belgian Aircraft are Joining the French Tree!

I respect your opinion. However I don’t agree with all of this. I want all integral planes to an air force added to their respective tech trees, regardless if this looks like Copy-Paste (which in the Belgian F-16 blk15 isn’t exactly the case:
). This is because some of these planes are historic icons of their era. That you’d need to play the ‘same’ vehicle again in a different tech tree should be logical. Not all countries have a fully independent defence industry and thus procure material from other nations.

I’m more of a fan of the ‘historical’ nation tech tree compared to the technological tech tree.

For air realistic it might not be needed gameplay-wise, but air arcade is also a gamemode many play and a lineup is very important there.

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And France also get castrated US planes, as same BR than their counterparts, aka the F-8E(FN) who haven’t flare but stay at same BR that your F-8E(in AB), or the F-100D who get a higher BR (9.7) in AB despict the fact it have only the AIM-9B (US get better loadout and AIM-9Ex4 at 9.3)… I’m pretty sure I can find other similar inequality.


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Didn’t checked if belgian F-16 is gonna recieve Magic-2 in devserver (would be funny though ^^")

You can also bring those fact to next BR update.

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According to Smin we won’t get these on the ‘regular’ F-16 block 15, because according to the source they(Devs) have, only specifically the OCU 40 model of SABCA(which built the F-16’s for Belgium) could use the magic II and the AS-30L. (The one used in the trials was a F-16AA Block15, should be the same as any of the other 60 F-16’s ordered in the 80s-90s.)

I can sadly not find anything about the ‘OCU 40’ specifically.

I would like to argue that that same can be said for China in the lower tiers.

Yeah, in clear " we developpers considered that uniqueness of Belgian F-16’s should not be taken into account" basically.

But as much as it’s a shame,… maybe we will see those later on.

China as some uniqueness even at low BR, and a lot of uniqueness at high tier (even more coming anytime soon, with J-10 fighters)

Not integral to the French airforce, they could have been integral to the German airforce considering they have a Phantom at top tier.

I disagree. This is about the BeNeLux sub tree, not the French one.


You also don’t play Germany so it’s just an easy target for you.

That’s not why I disagree. What nation I play has got nothing to do with this.


Whatever man.

I guess you both says the same thing here.

One is saying that F-16 is part of Benelux
Second is saying that’s not part of France itself

Yet you did confused yourself thinking this is about “where TT Benelux is placed in”?

I don’t know, maybe i’m wrong, but you both seems to agree to one another.

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Nobody is denying the F-16 is part of the Benelux, the Benelux isn’t France however and the Benelux has little military relevance as they’re all just part of NATO and the EU.

Oh, ok,… so you just took it to another level,…

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What level… the topic is literally about these vehicles joining the French tree?

Joining the Beneluw Sub-tree,… not really the french tree.

And the other level is you taking into consideration relevance of IRL Nato/EU and Benelux importance.

Also, Since Benelux also dispose of a lot of Tanks, and some naval, it can be like italy and be added to France TT momentarely


Dutch and Belgian aircraft are joining the French tree… how am I taking it to another level by discussing that exact thing?

The reality is that there is no logical connection between these countries and France, there is no logic for these countries to really be grouped together in the first place when talking from a military perspective, and when looking from a game perspective Germany getting F-16s and potentially additional Leopards is a way better than Germany being stuck with a DOA Phantom at top tier and France getting an F-16 and a bunch of Leopards to further dilute the value of Germany and nations in general with almost half the nations in game having a Leopard 2.

Germany have it’s problems, but neither Belgium/netherlands shares good relation to either France and Germany,… culturally BENELUX should have gone in their own tree, but the Air tree is so filled by copy-paste, that it doesn’t makes sense now.

It will make sense to do what Gaijin did with Italy, by adding Italy in their own TT when tanks appears.

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