Dutch and Belgian Aircraft are Joining the French Tree!

As much as you would say that, do you really think any of the French jets make up a good fight for JAS39s? Especially after they get FOX3?
All current French top tier jets are underperforming imo, M4K is just a bigger M2KC with more missile and better speed/sustain turn rate, which wether it worth 1.0 of BR is questionable. M2K5 is no different, does PD all aspect and HMD makes up for 0.7 BR?
Yeah they are both good in adequate hands, but doesn’t that go for anything in the game?

Namer is a valid addition but in terms of the game Puma has been here longer

that doesn’t mean sells that didn’t happen irl should happen in game (Japan)

Why France? Germany will be missing good top tier aircraft. And France is already missing ton of unique stiff why not add that first?


copy paste is easier :^)

The difference between the Block -15 OCU and Block -15 MLU (a similar thing with the Block -20s, except that the Block 20 MLU is patterned off the F-16C airframe, not the F-16A) is that the OCU are new build airframes, and the MLU are remanufactured older aircraft.

In terms of in game, its basically a F-16A-10 brought up to F-15C-50 capacities with a comparatively better RWR (should be able to see Pantsir Lock on) and access to MAWS and additional Countermeasures thanks to the PIDS+ pylons. It may also have the ALE-50(V)2 (towed decoys) and assorted other capabilities.


You still can give Germany the Swiss F/A 18 after the F4 F ICE.


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There are two good reasons.

  1. The Dutch need to be a sub tree, because they don’t have enough vehicles for themselves.

  2. Even after adding all three Benelux, France will still have a much sparser tree than Germany.

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  1. agreed
  2. Why do techtrees need to be the same? Having differences (the bigger the better) induces people to play more techtrees (and grind more, so spending more money).
    The mm should be able to take of weak and strong br’s of nations, while it currently isn’t, that should be improved, not many techtrees changed for something that can be arguebly worse.

No ground forces this time?

seems like there was a orange leopard 2 in netherlands

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I think this is meant to be just the air tree and there will be a second blog post for ground vehicles from BENELUX? Idk

Leopard 2A6 equivalent wouldn’t be unwelcome alongside the Leclercs, more interested in an IFV although France has domestic ones available. If I have to have the added tree I’d like to see necessary vehicle types added. IFVs for France is sorely lacking until very very recently and they’ve been either paywalling them or sticking with older ones.


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idk the second and third devlog implies to naval and ground tree

Copy-paste shi*. Only one valuable and uniq plane.
And big advertisement, as for real new tree…
Gaijin is very lazy.


Being able to fly an F-16 without grinding the monotonous boring US air tree?

No complaint from me.

France has plenty of domestic vehicles but if this must be suffered I want the additions to be overkill.

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It’s only so boring because they don’t often add much of anything that can’t be duplicated into at least two or three other trees.

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I wholeheartedly agree.

I’m desperately waiting for the Convair F-102 Delta Dagger God I love Delta wings



Thats not even true lol, france has just as many possible additions as germany. But they are moke light focused


Same with sweden. We have lots of vehicle but most are cars with cannons or lighter tanks. Or wild experiments