Down-tier for the RDF-LT and HSTV-L?

or youre getting many kills…

You can get 15 kills if you spend 4 rounds per kill on average. I highly doubt you need more than that.

If you wanna shoot down helis and planes you need to allocate some of those rounds to HE-VT

Even if you have 45 darts, that’s enough for 11 kills.
With this you have 15 HE-VTs.

sometimes you need more rounds for kills you do know that right? sometimes you need to keep a guy tracked around a corner etc… ive run out of my 26 rounds in the HSTVL several times in some matches and have had to stock up multiple times

And sometimes you need only one to get a kill. That’s why I’m taking 4 shots per kill as an average.

Just lmao.

That’s what happens when you spend all your ammo on tracking a single guy.

man now geet a massive buw and now u want to put in 10.3 really? puma is in same br with 30mm gun no penetrate medium tanks in front…

APHE is irrelevant, 2S38 isn’t 8.3.
Reload below 2 seconds is irrelevant.
Larger magazine only matters against aircraft.
HSTVL has a crewless turret outside the commander.
Which matters in some niche situations, and that’s it.
Worse sights than HSTVL, HSTVL has a 3x minimum zoom.

Keep praising 2S38, I hope you’re getting paid for it.

Congrats on your 10 frag matches.

Already has it.

RDFLT is faster and smaller than the 2S38 while firing a better round.
Well since you’ve never played the HSTVL and you care so much, don’t post about it.
Accusing me of never playing the HSTVL when I obviously have means you’re admitting to have never played it.

Do you continually ignore facts?

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That post proves that there are up to 6 historical rounds.
The HSTVL has one of the historical rounds, which is a good round for 11.7.

Please stop with the bait posts and converse with people instead.

I already posted proof that XM885 was the experimental round and it became M885 when it was finalized using the DELTA 6 variant. DELTA 3 was too inefficient as the variant so it was replaced as proved in the document stating it could not penetrate NATO Triple heavy. DELTA6 was the ONLY finalized version of the round and such received the service designation as M885.

Stop making stuff up.

Usual reminder that there’s no need to tell others to ignore certain individuals. It only creates off-topic and hostilities. If you have some grudges and can’t stand somebody simply block the person or ignore the messages.

RDF/LT and 2S38 speed’s are on par lol, and everything else is worse on RDF/LT so your point is meaningless

Top speed =/= acceleration and general mobility.
The only thing worse on RDFLT is the thermal generation, that’s it.

Partially false. Side shots and lightly armored vehicles exist. APHE can be used effectively even at top tier but it ultimately depends on the play style

This is just straight up false. Rate of fire does matter, especially with an inconsistent round. It gives the player more opportunity to make adjustments.

Also false. With an inconsistent round, multiple rounds may need to be fired. It also gives room to carry mixed ammunition allowing the hstvl to be more multi-purpose.

I disagree with both you and the person you’re replying to. With the introduction of detailed modules, getting hit in the turret will disable your entire tank. This applies both to the HSTVL and the 2S38

Ultimately depends on personal preference. People would rather chose better quality over better zoom and vise versa.

Funny how when people insult you, it gets flagged and removed. I wonder who’s flagging them🤔

Again false and has been disproved multiple times. That round is not delta 3 and it should be reflected as such. Want me to give you a refresher?


You really don’t wanna get in that territory, especially with the track record of yours. When was the last time you played the HSTVL?


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at worse its taller and bulkier, and a bit less quick but not faster. has better overall performance, a round that can actually compare to how the XM885 currently performs; and has been a terror for other tanks at its Br pretty much since it was added. Anyway, the proposed increase in Br could see both tanks moving up in BR if the XM500 round gets added or the XM885 fixed. (This is irrelevant but your favorite tank is one of the most busted things in the game. a MBT that hurdles 600+ mm of pen rounds every four seconds. Why are you getting so worked up over a tank that’ll actually benefit from getting a better and more accurate to real life round?)

You can claim HSTVL, or Type 10, or whatever other tank you’re addressing that isn’t Soviet, is one of the most busted tanks in the game all you want. That won’t change reality though. Type 10 is a DM53 equivalent projectile, and that reload speed only matters in <50% of engagements. Less than means anywhere from 0.1% to 49% BTW.
I get that HSTVL is objectively better in all ways but thermal generation to 2S38 and is at a correct BR, but that doesn’t mean it’s busted.

fair point