Dornier Do 317 B

would be a nice cas plane for ground rb. The do217 are good with their 1000 kg bombs and faster/better climb rate is always better

+1, i hope to see both the Do-317B and the Ju-388k in game


Essentially, the agility and shape of the Do 217 K, the speed and armament of the Ju 288, and the bomb load of the B-29. I definitely want this aircraft


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looks like its about half the bombload

What does the b 29 carry?

20,000 pounds internally, and even more so with external stores.

9,200 kg = 20282.53 lb

That’s the internal bay only
B-29’s were modified with wing racks that allowed them to carry two grand slams externally along with their normal bombload.
A b-29 in this configuration could theoretically carry 64,000 pound of bombs

I don’t know too much about enemy aircraft but there was a discussion somewhere on the old forums where people were confusing the Tallboy with the Grand Slam as well as citing payloads of the XB44/B29D/B50 for this game’s B29A which should have 20,000 lb according to manual:


I see. Must have been looking at the B-50. My bad

What BR would you put this at? Given that the B-29 is 7.3

No idea. The entire BR system is arbitrary. I would have put this craft in-between the He 177 A-5 & the Ar 234 B-2

Germany 6.0 BR sc2500 carrier

Actually all of these bombers can carry the damn bomb Where is the missing SC2500? and where is the SB2500A1?
Yet for some reason it’s still not modeled for the rest of the bombers


make them into a suggestion

It already was suggested on the old forum but they moved the topic to 'Game Discussion>Machinery of War Discussion>Aircraft Discussion>Germany:


Already bug reported them all left is waiting now

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Poor Chomusuke1 he was working on it since 2019 even after it got added the SB-2500 A1 was still missing and from 2020 he kept working and asking for the full implementation, 4 years past now and still nothing


they got to add this would be so cool to see this in the game