I drew up what I think the rounds should be a bit back, would like your thoughts on it.
Generally slightly better pen then APHE, and more damage inside their spall cone.
Overall slightly less pen then solid AP, but having its current ‘sphere of death’, as many call it. Damage is slightly less then solid AP, but with, again, the sphere of death.
What it currently is, but buffed damage inside its spall cone, but not to the level of solid AP. Reduced chances to shatter, though.
Roughly the same post-pen as APDS, but worse angle pen and overall pen. Still high pen, basically the specialty round you have when you need to punch through a heavy’s armor.
High pen, and high damage on anything the jet actually touches (i.e. ammo, crew, etc.) Very good at starting fires and cooking off ammo.
Extremely good against angles, and thick armor in general. Would have a chance to overpressure, around the same as HE, but within a smaller radius.
Basically same as current, haha 155mm big boom.
No idea, because I admittedly dont have it yet, and so cant really speak about it.